I continued to check in yearly to see if new feature would entice me away from the old version. I did this as recently as late last year, and at that time saw no signs that they were about to pull the product.
I've been in deep contact with Tim Tetia since Nov 2006. He did a lot of enhancements for us (and bug fixes for some bugs I've found).
One of the greatest enhancements is the ability to edit files with a RDW (Record Descriptor Word, the 4 byte length field of every RECFM=V dataset). This feature is so flexible that we can also edit files downloaded from a BS2000 Mainframe (with a 2 Byte length field) and also binary AFP-Files (2 byte length field following a X'5A').
Furthermore Tim has realized a command history function for us and the new command "FONTSET" which can be used to change the editor font at runtime.
And last but not least, he added support for newer Micro Focus COBOL Compilers (Net Express / Server Express) so one can use "MERGEMSG" to merge error-messages into the edit session.
Oh yes, and he implemented the new option "SCREEN" for the "PRINT" command that causes SPF/SE to print a "hardcopy" (prints exactly what is shown in the editor).
SPF/SE is much more powerful as one might think if looking at the web site....
Bye, Michael -- Yours sincerely Michael Knigge Development S.E.T. Software GmbH Lister Straße 15 30163 Hannover GERMANY Tel. +49 511/3 97 80-23 Fax +49 511/3 97 80-65 michael.kni...@set-software.de Handelsregister: HRB52778 Amtsgericht Hannover Geschäftsführer: Till Dammermann, Klaus Stöhr ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@bama.ua.edu with the message: GET IBM-MAIN INFO Search the archives at http://bama.ua.edu/archives/ibm-main.html