Thanks all to those who helped me get through step one in IMS. It's pain in
the butt, a lot of stupid little pieces and parts and steps, but it's not
that hard once you know what the pieces and parts and steps are. I got one
of my two transactions working. However, the other one still isn't, and I
see no obvious reason. No messages or anything. So my question is this:


Is there some type of debug/log ability in IMS (perhaps similar to CEDF in
CICS)? Is there an easy way for me to tell that it may be trying to access a
DBD that doesn't have a file or something? I don't know why it just ignores
me when I type the transaction in.


As a secondary question, now that I'm thinking about it. My developers
appear to be used to logging onto IMS, signing in, then just typing the
transaction. Currently, I have to do a /SET TRANSACTION XXX" before I can
type in XXX. What is the magic to not have to do the /SET first?




David Logan

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