Paul Gilmartin pisze:
On Sun, 31 May 2009 07:49:12 -0700, Howard Rifkind wrote:

Would it be wonderful if IBM could just figure out how to make the FMID's 
really directly relate the the software product name...

Particularly, why not allow FMIDs to be much longer than 7 characters (say
about 50 characters) so a meaningful product name could be embedded in the

It's like, like allowing lowercase & symbols in JCL!
It could be even convenient - which is strictly forbidden in mainframe world! We have to live with SRELs (only historicians knows the root of the name and nobody know the reasons for that), 7-characters FMIDs and many other "facilities".

Coulldn't resist...
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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