If you haven't customized the SBDATACONN parameter in the FTPDATA and FTSDATA configuration files, the default EBCDIC-ASCII conversion is FTP_STANDARD_TABLE, which for text uses a fixed translation table that pre-dates current code pages and uses 7-bit ASCII -- definitely not a one-to-one mapping, and a text file using all character codes on MVS is guaranteed data loss on round trip via FTP.

I would recommend overriding the SBDATACONN default in FTPDATA and FTSDATA with something like
or perhaps using IBM-037 if you prefer the "IBM-037" bracket and logical not conventions to "IBM-1047". This gives a one-to-one translation, and a round trip via FTP can get you back to the original text file.

I don't have the code sets in front of me, so can't be sure these handle the specific character codes in question as you want, but unless you are wanting a non-conventional translation, the odds are much better when you are dealing with an 8-bit target code set.

You can test this out without changing current MVS FTP configuration by overriding your current MVS FTP SBDATACONN defaults: If the transfer is initiated by a client on MVS, before the PUT/GET issue FTP command "LOCSITE SBD=(IBM-1047,ISO8859-1)" If the transfer is initiated by a client on the UNIX system, before the PUT/GET issue the FTP command "QUOTE SITE SBD=(IBM-1047,ISO8859-1)"

I'm not sure about z/OS 1.9, but on some earlier versions of z/OS the functioning of this conversion may be dependent on first configuring the Unicode conversion services to load the appropriate conversion tables for code sets IBM-1047 and ISO8859-1.

I believe there are ways to totally replace the module that supplies the FTP_STANDARD_TABLE, but solutions based on built-in z/OS conversion support and standard code sets is a better approach.
    JC Ewing

Mark Steely wrote:
We are z/OS V1R9. When transferring a file from the MF to the Unix
Server the x'6a' is being translated to a ASCII x'1a'.  We need this to
be translated to an x'7c'. Does IBM have a translate table that does
this and if not how do I generate a translate table ?

Any help would be appreciated.
Thank You

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