Mr. Comstock,
My use of IBM-MAIN is to present peer systems programmers with
challenges and solutions in our field.  Your exploitation of this forum
is inappropriate.  If we were to allow Vendors to exploit this forum for
marketing purposes I believe many of us would stop using the forum.
Steven Bott

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Comstock [] 
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 9:17 PM
To: Bott, Steven
Subject: Training


I saw your recent note on ibm-main and I wanted to
contact you off-list to see if you could help me out
a little.

In particular, could you point me to the right person
to talk to at CSX regarding applications programmer

In case you can't pass on names and contact information
to me directly, I'm including some introductory info
about us that perhaps you would be kind enough to pass
on to the right people so they could contact us if
they think we could be of service...

My name is Steve Comstock and I am the founder of The
Trainer's Friend, Inc., a corporation dedicated to
training z/OS applications programmers. We train all
over the US and around the world.

Although I am an ex-IBM systems engineer, instructor, and
course developer, I left IBM in 1975 to work for myself,
and have been doing so ever since. Over time I've built up
a small collection of like minded course developers and
instructors and we primarily do instructor led training on
customer site.

Included in this email:
+ Content: an overview of courses we offer
+ Delivery: onsite, of course, but there are other options
+ Other resources: toolkits, free papers, more
+ Pricing approach: simple, competitive
+ SHARE in Denver: we'll be presenting
+ The players: link to photos and short bios

--------------  Content ---------------------------

We provide training in all the classic topic areas:

* TSO, ISPF, Dialog Manager, CLIST, REXX
* JCL, Utilities (new course on DFSORT)
* Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, C
* Debugging

with this unusual hook: we are always current! Our
courses support the latest versions of products at
the time we teach a course, for example:

* Our COBOL curriculum includes Unicode and XML support
* Our Assembler curriculum includes HLASM 1.6 and the
   instructions introduced with the z10 machines

In addition, we provide training on topics a little
different from what you'll find anywhere else:

* Language Environment (IBM recommends our LE courses,
   see this link:

* InterLanguage Communication (how to work with applications
   that combine programs written in many languages)

* z/OS UNIX, including hosting a web site on your mainframe
   using the free web server that comes with z/OS

* We are the only company providing training for DFSORT / ICETOOL
   and IBM recommends our course for this (see
   and go down to the bullet on Training

* Linux on z

* Our most recent courses:
   + DB2: Greatest Hits - V8 and V9 highlights for applications
   + Coding z/OS CGIs in COBOL - use your COBOL programmers to do web
                                 on z/OS, without WebSphere

------------------- Delivery -----------------------------

We offer a variety of training delivery methods:
* Instructor led on your site
* Self study with a mentor (Remote Contact Training)
* Road shows (lecture only, labs optional; faster and cheaper)
* Half day scheduling tricks (ties up students for just
   half time each day, allowing them to keep up with work)
* License our materials for use by your instructors
* Development of courses to meet your specs

----------------- Other Resources ------------------------

We provide a variety of _free technical papers_ on our
website (no registration, no strings)

We also have available _programmer toolkits_, which are
collections of working programs along with the procedures
to set up libraries, compile, and run, programs written in
Assembler, COBOL, PL/I, and C, along with sample data
to test with.

A small collection of Very Short Presentations (8 pages
or less each) on a variety of current topics)

----------------- Pricing approach ---------------------

Our quality is top notch and our prices are very competitive,
even to local sources (we _include_ instructor travel and
living expenses in our instructor led course prices). Our
pricing structure is simple, and the same for all courses.

----------------- SHARE in Denver -----------------------

The next SHARE conference is in Denver - and so are we!

SHARE is IBM's premier mainframe user event, held twice
annually. This August the conference is in on our home
ground, and we'll be there.

Specifically, two of our instructors and course authors are
presenting sessions:

Steve Comstock

   Session 2238: "z/OS Control Blocks for Beginners"
   Thursday August 27, 09:30

   Session 1214: "Doing Packed Decimal Arithmetic in Assembler"
   Thursday August 27, 15:00

Hunter Cobb

   Session 6142: "DB2 LOBs - A Practical Application"
   Thursday August 27, 13:30

   Session 6152: "XML in DB2 9 for z/OS: Overview"
   Friday August 28, 11:00

If any of your people will be attending SHARE in Denver,
suggest they attend one or more of our sessions; come by
and meet us. Check out our presentation style. Learn new
skills. Ask them to introduce themselves so we don't miss

----------------- The Players ---------------------------

Here are the major players at The Trainer's Friend:


We can train new hires as well as upgrade skills of your
experienced people. We love being creative and responsive,
so toss some suggestions at us, or let us know your needs
and we will see how we can meet them.

Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


   z/OS Application development made easier
     * Our classes include
        + How things work
        + Programming examples with realistic applications
        + Starter / skeleton code
        + Complete working programs
        + Useful utilities and subroutines
        + Tips and techniques

==> Ask about being added to our opt-in list:              <==
==>   * Early announcement of new courses                  <==
==>   * Early announcement of new techincal papers         <==
==>   * Early announcement of new promotions               <==

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