I think there may be some confusion regarding "protected".

Perhaps OA29193 will shed some light on the High Performance ICSF Secure


Of course routines coded to directly exploit CPACF are pretty much always
going to run circles around ICSF+CEX3.

Even adding ICSF into the mix of CPACF is still going to be extremely fast.

Phil's point about the amount of data is extremely important.  Any CEX#
related stuff is effectively a queuing mechanism.

The high performance gives you the benefits of ICSF with the benefits of
storing the wrapped keys in HSA.  AFAIK CPACF by itself will never give you
keys that are truly secure... but it is fast and is worthy of the trade-off
... specially for things like SSL / TLS.

Personally, I think using the High Performance is a stellar idea... a nice
blend that should give some very real performance benefits for symmetric
key users without sacrificing the key material.

Now.. if someone wants to correct me.  I am all for it.  Just site the
relevant documentation... and I will happily join you in your understanding.

Rob Schramm
Senior Systems Consultant
Imperium Group

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 4:14 PM, R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> wrote:

> W dniu 2012-07-06 21:49, Lloyd Fuller pisze:
> >> Consider the cost of a CEX operation as ((ICSF call CPU)+I/O) and the
>  cost of a
> >> CPACF operation as ((ICSF call)+(some >CPU cycles for the  operation)).
> So the
> >> difference is I/O vs. CPACF cycles. The I/O cost  doesn't change (much)
> with
> >> larger >blocks; the CPACF cycles do.
> >
> > This statement implies that CPACF REQUIRES ICSF.  That is NOT true.
> ICSF services do require ICSF. CPACF facilities can be called as
> assembler statements. However this require changes in the application.
> Not to mention, it's easier to call ICSF services from high level
> language (my opinion).
> > You can
> > happily do CPACF operations yourself without ICSF even configured on the
> > system.  IBM's white papers about CPACF performance indicate that ICSF
> imposes a
> > big performance hit on CPACF.
> No, it depends! For some cases the difference between ICSF and assembler
> calls are not significant.
> Last but not least: Crypto Express facilities are available (officially)
> only as ICSF services, so if you want to compare CPACF and CryptoExpress
> performance, it's quite good idea to have all remaining circumstances
> the same. Otherwise you analyze ICSF code overhead.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland
> --
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