I thought I knew this off the top of my head, but someone gave me a problem
that doesn't fit what I thought.

Let's say I hvae a PS file allocated as CYL(2500,500), and it is allocated
to VOLSR1 and VOLSR2. Can someone point me to the doc that explains this,
or can someone explain to me what happens when I need to take secondary

For instance, I thought this would be the case:
1. Allocate first extent (2500) on VOLSR1
2. 2nd extent (2500) on VOLSR2
3. 3rd (500) on VOLSR1
4 - ## (500) on VOLSR1 until 16 extents or the VOLSR1 has < 500C available
in 5 pieces, then continue on with VOLSR2.
## (500) on VOLSR2 until 16 extents or B37 abend if < 500C available.

I haven't done a lot with multi-volume files, so I might have this wrong,
and would welcome your straightening me out. Thanks!
Thank you and best regards,
*Billy Ashton*

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