Is there a means via a single SARBCH command to print all SEQs of a GEN=
for a job.  (that was hard to put words to make sense ;-)  )

That is, if a job executed multiple times during a batch cycle and each
time it was archived to SAR it received the same GEN= number each would
receive a sequential sequence number. 





I would like to be able to PRINT (LOAD actually) these to a dataset via
a single SARBCH command.

e.g.   LOAD ID=JOBNAME GEN=100 SEQ=??? DDNAME=<ddname>


I've tried  SEQ=*,   SEQ=1:3,  no SEQ=...

The first two receiving an "Invalid Sequence parameter" error and the
last retrieving the most current (SEQ=3)


I do know a LIST on the job with GEN=1000 and no SEQ will list each time
it ran within a GEN with their sequence numbers. With this info I could
construct another SARBCH job with 3 individual PRINT commands, one for
each SEQ number. However,  due to how the process is setup, is all done
in REXX, it would add a tremendous amount of overhead to LIST each job
first, read in the results, then construct another SARBCH from the LIST
results.  There are about 70 jobs I have to extract SAR reports from and
doing a single PRINT (or LOAD) would be FAR more efficient.


Any insights?


Bill George  
Senior Programmer Analyst (Specialist)

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