Hello Gadi

>-- Original Message --
>Date:         Tue, 11 Dec 2012 01:13:25 +0200
>Reply-To:     IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU>
>From:         ??? ?? ??? <gad...@malam.com>
>Subject: Parked Processors
>We just upgraded to z/OS 1.13
>When we look at the processor status, we see that two of the four processor
>are marked parked.

This is the effect of HiperDispatch which in z/OS 1.13 is active by default
You can deactivate it by setting HIPERDISPATCH=NO in IEAOPTxx; however, unless
it creates you real problems, I don't suggest that.

>We see this using CA-SYSVIEW v13.5 ? the CPU command.
>We are using a z114-I04.
>Is this normal?
>Will the two parked processors become unparked as demand increases?

They should be unparked when demand increases but it depends on the number
of logical processors  and on the weights assigned to the LPAR.
I wrote a white paper in june-july 2008 on this subject (HiperDispatch Logical
Processors and Weight Management). If you are interested you can request
it at  http://www.epvtech.com/resources/newsletter.html 

>Can we unpark the processors using a command?

To what I know you can't

>Where can I find more information about this?

Best regards

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