[Default] On 18 May 2020 18:19:07 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main sme...@gmu.edu (Seymour J Metz) wrote:
>CRJE > >All very well for a 2741, but for a 3270 I'd much rather have SuperWylbur or >ISPF, TYVM. > >> IEHIOSUP > >My eyes! Take the bad thing away, Mommy! > >I was thinking more of Compatibility Interface and Reverse Compatibility >Interface. Is there any good reason that I can't do sequential I/O on a PS >using an ACB or sequential I/O on a (K|E)SDS using a DCB? Why is it easier in >z/VSE? I can see not having the ability to do sequential I/O on a VSAM file with a DCB but not allowing an ACB to be used for all currently data set organizations BSAM / QSAM and possibly BDAM was criminal negligence. Also not allowing the ability to concatenate a QSAM file and an ESDS was another area of short sightedness. VSE was aimed at small shops that didn't have the systems staff assumed for MVS so they had to be concerned with ease of use. Little things like dates were set using month and day not day of year. Clark Morris ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN