W dniu 03.07.2020 o 07:34, Brian Westerman pisze:
How much would a hobbyist pay for a Harley, a really nice drone, or some of the 
other expensive hobbies.  People pay upwards of $1K a year for a new phone.  I 
did get a discount on that, but I suppose you are correct, if you can't justify 
the cost, then it might seem too much.  Although, the alternative of doing it 
illegally is not even what I would consider to be an option at all.

The problem is not in the money, not only here.
It is matter of human mentality. Many aspects of that.

1. (Some) people like to "hack", break rules, be wilful. So, "illegal" Hercules with illegal z/OS is just fancy for them.

2. Free is much better even  than $20 per year subscription. Yes, it is close to lunch expense. But it is not free. It require some registration, contract, etc. People don't like it. Free without any obligations is much more attractive. That would induce many young people to just "play and try" this platform. Just for fun. Or just because it may help with some university duties. This is the method to make mainframe more popular or at least known to young people.

3. Nowadays Hercules running any current IBM OS is illegal. However those who want to use it still do it. Including IBMers. Risk? C'mon! The real risk would be when someone provide open classes (JCL, ISPF, etc.) on such system. Or some company deliver some software products with no other "legal mainframe". However for personal use it is quite safe. Yes, illegal.

4. Do you know, Microsoft give almost all their products to students (in Poland) for free. It doesn't matter whether you study IT sciences, archeology or ethnology. Even young ethnologist may download and use MS Windows Server, MS SQL, etc. etc. What about IBM and mainframe? Almost nothing. Some (now only one) universities signed  some agreement and they are somehow allowed to use IBM standard courses on IBM machines in Poughkeepsie. It is the same like commercial course, which I sometimes guide as a teacher. Of course student is not alloowed to access the resources after the course is finished. He can use PC with MS stuff, but not TSO account.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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