Sorry, Radoslaw,

I missed the comment about earlier versions aren't there either".  I was 
focusing on the z15 part.


-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of R.S.
Sent: Friday, August 7, 2020 3:33 AM
Subject: Re: [External] IBM z15 Announcement Letter

As I wrote it is not the case when the book is not yet available. All other 
books are available, because they are available since GA of z15. 
The same apply to z14 and older machines. And older Announcement Letters (and 
some other documents) also mention Service Guide as one of the books available 
on Resource Link.

1. I see no reason to treat Service Guide differently, but this is not the 
2. The point is IBM claims something different than IBM do with this book.  
Let's imagine IBM says "the only way you can get Service Guide is ....., it is 
NOT available on Resource Link because we decided so". OK, their book, their 
decision. However IBM claims "yes, you can get this book from ResourceLink", 
but it is not true.

Personal remarks:
1. I have Service Guide for machines z10-z14.
2. I lack this Guide for z9, z990 and z900 machines and see no way to get it.
3. I've got z15 Service Guide in the past, but it seems I lost it (muddler! 
silly me). However I hope I will get it again. The method is quite simple: some 
friendly person send me this manual. Sometimes it is some IBMer which I don't 
know and he checked whether the book is available to "unwashed masses". 
4. Unfortunately, this is old true: if you want some document, then keep it on 
your disk (and make backups). Any Internet service can be down when you need 
it, connection may be failing or the service owner may change rules.
5. Most document in huge library are not needed for years, but you never know 
when something is needed...
6. I like this book and I browse/read it. You may call it deviation, but this 
is part of education about the machines.  ;-)

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 06.08.2020 o 17:29, Pommier, Rex pisze:
> Radoslaw,
> The announcement letter says the planned availability date for the 
> enhancements is September 15.  I believe the documentation will be available 
> on that date as well.  In your note below, you quoted them " and will be 
> available at planned availability in the "Library" section of Resource Link:".
> Rex
> -----Original Message-----
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
> R.S.
> Sent: Wednesday, August 5, 2020 6:34 AM
> Subject: [External] IBM z15 Announcement Letter
> I just read IBM Announcement Letter regarding z15 enhancements 
> At the bottom they write about documentation.
> The following publications are shipped with the product and will be available 
> at planned availability in the "Library" section of Resource Link:
> IBM 8561 Service Guide    GC28-6998
> IBM 8562 Service Guide    GC28-7010
> Service Guide. This manual is delivered with MES (upgrade) or with new 
> machine - "shipped with the product".
> However it is NOT available in Resource Link.
> So, the official Letter tells us lies.
> It is not just typo, or "books are not yet available". Similar information is 
> mentioned in many previous Letters, but Service Guide is NOT available for 
> z15, z14, z13, etc.
> Is it intentional? What is the goal to misinform customers?
> Notes:
> 1. This is not classified as "licensed" or "restricted" material. This is one 
> of the books comprising technical documentation available to customer.
> 2. This book is delivered on CD and/or hardcopy. It is delivered with new 
> machine or with MES (upgrade).
> 3. AFAIK this is the only book in such strange state. Other documentation is 
> available on Resource Link. Everything except this one book.
> 4. Do not confuse this Service Guid with similar titles, like Service Guide 
> for HMC, SE, TKE. This manual is for CPC.
> --
> Radoslaw Skorupka
> Lodz, Poland


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