[Default] On 20 Aug 2020 09:02:35 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main
edja...@phoenixsoftware.com (Ed Jaffe) wrote:

>Came across someone using this product and wondered how popular it was.
Any shop using SNA-NJE on JES3 needs it.  Since JES2 didn't require it
for SNA-NJE, my single instance shop converted to JES2 so we saved by
both not having to pay for BDT but also JES2 was cheaper.  I modified
the EXIT from American Natural Resources and some other JES and MVS
exits to keep the system looking somewhat like JES3 to the
programmers.  The concurrent installation of CA-DISPATCH - a report
manager also helped.  The conversion to JES2 forced getting all
production jobs converted to use CA-DISPATCH before the JES2 cutover
so the projects fed each other.

Clark Morris

>Has it been replaced by more-recent z/OS functionality? Or does it 
>remain the only way to do certain things?

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