W dniu 29.09.2020 o 00:54, Robert Prins pisze:
Just had a look at https://www-01.ibm.com/servers/resourcelink/svc00100.nsf/pages/zosv2r4sa380683/$file/ceea300_v2r4.pdf?OpenElement&xpdflink to find a country code that gives me dates in ISO8601 format (why isn't there a simple "LANGUAGE(my-country(ISO))" option to use a specific currency, but ISO8601 dates/times? RFE?),


I was flabbergasted to see that (at least in this PDF) Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus, Slovakia are still using currencies that no longer exist, and that Montenegro & Serbia (and probably a few more countries) don't even seem to exists.


First question: I guess ISO would be ambigous, as there are many ISO standards which may be considered here.

BTW: despite of errors/outdated informations - things may be more complicated than "one country, one answer". Serbia have two very different code pages - one for cyrillic, one latin. In Poland we have latin only, but wide set of codepages: CP 870 for EBCDIC, CP852 for PCDOS, CP1250 for Windows, ISO8850-2 for Unix and Internet-related things. That are in wide use today, however we had much more, like Mazovia, PESEL, DHN, Świerk, Kajkowski, etc. Note, the table does not mention only current values, but also some historical ones - like USSR and ruble, two german countries, Czechoslovakia, etc. Of course there is no more Czechoslovakia, and Slovakia has Euro currency (and my bank was first which finished conversion from former corona). And there are of course countries have more than one language. For example Switzerland has four languages (who know what is the fourth one?), but US has no official language. ;-) And or course there are timezones - US have many timezones, but even countries within same, single timezone may have different regulations related to DST. BTW: as far as I know UE decided to get rid of DST, but each country has to decide which time they will use.
A lot of curiosities.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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