> Here , i want to add the header in the OUT01-05 files . is there a > way we can do in the same step.
Ron, You used KEYBEGIN on 40,5 , the header record will have a Group number 1 and the detail records will have group number starting at 2. So if your input file always has a header then you need to use the group number 1 to include the header. You also need to remove the temporary group id number that you created. You need to use BUILD for that. //SYSIN DD * OPTION COPY OUTREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=GROUP,KEYBEGIN=(40,5),PUSH=(651:ID=2)) OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT01,BUILD=(01,650),INCLUDE=(651,2,SS,EQ,C'01,02') OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT02,BUILD=(01,650),INCLUDE=(651,2,SS,EQ,C'01,03') OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT03,BUILD=(01,650),INCLUDE=(651,2,SS,EQ,C'01,04') OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT04,BUILD=(01,650),INCLUDE=(651,2,SS,EQ,C'01,05') OUTFIL FNAMES=OUT05,BUILD=(01,650),INCLUDE=(651,2,SS,EQ,C'01,06') /* >> for instance if the header record is the only with double-blank at 651: Massimo, That will NOT work. Keybegin will look wherever there is a change in the key at position 40 for 5 bytes. So the first key change is on the Header record itself. Thanks, Kolusu DFSORT Development IBM Corporation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN