Hi Joe,
I got 404 when I tried to click on the last 2 Links.


On 2020-10-25 09:04, Joe Monk wrote:
Hi Sam,

Just a bit of background...

If you go here : 
 you can find a
mostly complete set of routines for MVS 3.8J.

In there you will find:
 which is the
source code for TCAS...

And in there you will find
 which is
the TCAS parm processor.

If you check the logic you will see that it checks for a ',' to know how to
continue or to stop processing keywords. This is why all the keywords have
to come first in the member :)

Anyway, a little bit of trivia for you :)


On Sun, Oct 25, 2020 at 1:10 AM Sam Golob <sbgo...@cbttape.org> wrote:

Dear Folks,

      Thanks to Joe Monk for getting me the correct information.  First
of all, the parameters, which have to be in "=" format, and not TSO
format with parentheses, must PRECEDE the comments, and all of them,
except the last one, have to be followed by a comma.  For example:



which is written BEFORE the comments.

      ALSO, I bounced the TSO address space.

The resulting SHOWTCAS display is:  (CBT File 731 - 
Updates page)

        --------   -------- ------- ------- ----- ------
            Display of Settings and Addresses having
             to do with the TSOKEYxx PARMLIB member
             at the beginning of the IKTTCAST macro
                 TCAS ADDRESS: 00C2EDC8

addr  field        value explanation
----  -----        ----- -----------
    +0  TCASID       TCAS             Control block identifier
    +4  TCASUSEC     0001             Number of active users - HEX
                         1            Number of active users - DEC
    +6  TCASUMAX     0027             TSO Maxusers number - HEX
                        39            TSO Maxusers number - DEC
    +8  TCASACBP                      ACB Password
   +10  TCASRCON     0001             Reconnect time in minutes - HEX
                         1            Reconnect time in minutes - DEC
   +12  TCASCLSZ     0084             Buffer Size - HEX
                       132            Buffer Size - DEC
   +14  TCASHBUF     0000BB80         High Buffer Threshold - HEX
                         48000        High Buffer Threshold - DEC
   +18  TCASLBUF     00005DC0         Low Buffer Threshold - HEX
                         24000        Low Buffer Threshold - DEC
   +1C  TCASCRSZ     01E0             Screen Size - HEX
                       480            Screen Size - DEC
   +1E  TCASCHNL     04               Maximum Chain Length - HEX
                         4            Maximum Chain Length - DEC
   +1F  TCASENGT     00               ENGTRANS Value 0-Base,1-Ext,2-None

       Thanks very much to all of you for your interest, and thanks, Joe
Monk, for the correct reply.

       All the best of everything to all of you.

Sincerely,     Sam

P.S.  The SHOWTCAS command has an ALL parameter, which will display the
entire real contents (mostly addresses) in the IKTTCAST macro, with all
the correct values for your LPAR, below the settings which are displayed
here.  I figured that most people don't want to see the whole thing.
They are just interested in the current settings.  So ALL is not the

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