[Default] On 4 Nov 2020 08:31:10 -0800, in bit.listserv.ibm-main
joemon...@gmail.com (Joe Monk) wrote:

>I think what the OP is really saying is that certain accounts should be
>restricted from certain jobclasses i.e. DEV cant use PROD jobclasses. So,
>if they code a CLASS=X, but the  account info says  that they dont have
>access to CLASS=X, then dump the job.

If the system knows what classes are legal for a given account and
resource requirement, then it should change the job class to a legal
one rather than bounce the job.  A submitter should be able to submit
a job and based on the account and resources requested the system
should assign the appropriate job class.  That was how I designed my
rewrite of the American Natural Resources EXIT 6 (In the ancient
Philips Lighting mods on the CBT tape).

Clark Morris
>OP: This has been around a long time, and is very mature...
>On Wed, Nov 4, 2020 at 8:20 AM R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl> wrote:
>> W dniu 04.11.2020 o 13:10, Gadi Ben-Avi pisze:
>> > Hi,
>> > I've started looking into JES2 Policies.
>> >
>> > The current goal is to change a job's class or service class depending
>> on certain values in the accounting information.
>> > >From reading the manual, it seems that this is possible.
>> >
>> > Has anyone done something like this?
>> > Is there a way to debug these policies?
>> >
>> > Is this feature mature enough to use?
>> I dare to disagree ...with your goal. More precisely I disagree with
>> your presentation of the goal.
>> Does it really have to depend on account information? Why?
>> That means user has to code something in the jobcard, in the first
>> positional. So he may code CLASS= keyword as well, can't he?
>> Maybe your accnt infor is already somehowe controlled (my guess, lack of
>> information). However jobclass can be RACF-controlled.
>> And this is quite mature way to control job classes and (indirectly)
>> service classes.
>> --
>> Radoslaw Skorupka
>> Lodz, Poland
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