This is really cool. We could use this right now for our SCLM/Git Integration tooling.

Q: How does it handle member ENQs. Does it ENQ using SPFEDIT or SYSDSN? One of the problems we ran into with "cp" copying an entire data set is it fails if one member is in use.
We worked around this by writing a cp_pds_to_dir command.

On 13/11/2020 9:54 pm, Kirk Wolf wrote:
I wanted to update this thread with a bit of news.   We have had the
enjoyable experience of working with Lionel and Henri (please check out: on requirements for some new shell commands for the Co:Z
Toolkit V6.2.0, which we released this week.

The new commands (getpds and putpds) use BPAM+BSAM along with our existing
Co:Z record <-> stream processing framework to allow you to copy PDS
members to and from z/OS UNIX files.  Also included are extensive options
for ISPF stats processing.

The performance (when compared to "/bin/cp") is better than we could have
expected.  The following example copies all of the members of SYS1.MACLIB
to text files in the current directory:

$ getpds //sys1.maclib .
getpds(SYS1.MACLIB)[N]: 2015 members/2435218 records/194817440 bytes read;
                         194011101 bytes written in 1.791 seconds (103.307

For more information:
Co:Z is available free under our Community License

Kirk Wolf

On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 9:30 AM Paul Gilmartin <> wrote:

On Wed, 17 Jun 2020 07:14:39 -0500, Lionel B Dyck wrote:

Kirk - thank you for the ideas.

What I'm doing is in the ZIGI (see where I need to
copy PDS members to/from USS so that Git can manage them. With small
projects this isn't an issue but with larger projects it could take enough
time for you to go to lunch ☹
Btw. I voted your RFE.

I notice that replies this thread have focused on Classic PDS as the
performance culprit.  Has someone tried the benchmarks:

     cp UNIX -> UNIX  vs.  cp PDS -> PDS

... and compared performance?  I suspect Classic OS was optimized
for a few large data sets; UNIX for many small files.

Might there be an argument here for maintaining the data where it
works best and omitting the copying?

-----Original Message-----
From: Kirk Wolf
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2020 7:03 AM

FWIW: It's a pity that the IBM C library doesn't have any support for
BLDL/NOTE/POINT processing of PDS/Es -- see my old RFE and vote if you

-- gil

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