That's what we call brute force attack.
There is no way to protect against it ...or maybe there are some things to help.
1. Do not give your RACF db to hackers. Never.
2. Enforce periodic password change.
3. Use KDFAES.
4. Use passphrases.

First is obvious.

Effectiveness of the second is disputable, but it rather won't help hackers. The idea is to
a) give less time for password cracking.
b) give less time for using of intercepted user/password.
c) give less possibilities to peek co-workers password (next letters).
There is also disadvantage: too complex and too frequently changed password lead to yellow stickers.

Third can be surprising for some people, but this method provide much more time consuming method of password hashing. Much more is tens of thousands. That means brute force attack would take tens of thousands times more time. It is still finite, but much longer.

Fourth method provide much more space for passwords. Let's forget about social hacking for a while, just "blind" brute force. To simplify - 8-char password could mean 39^8 combinations (roughly, these calculations are not exact). 16-char password is 39^8 * 39^8 - that's 5 352 009 260 481 times more combinations. And 24-char password gives 28 644 003 124 274 380 508 351 361 times more.

The above is not exact analysis. Password and passphrase space is limited by some rules, but there are also shorter passwords and much more lenghts of passphrases - 100,99,98,97,96...11,10,9. A lot of.

My €0.02

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

W dniu 11.01.2021 o 15:39, Tom Brennan pisze:
Isn't there a program someone wrote (talked about here many years ago) that can try various passwords until something matches the hashed value?  If that's the case, hashing doesn't really do as much good as people think it does, once someone gets hold of the RACF dataset of course.

On 1/10/2021 7:57 PM, Timothy Sipples wrote:

Here's a pedantic point: RACF doesn't actually know what the user's
password is -- thank goodness. RACF can only determine whether a
particular password or passphrase string mathematically corresponds to the
hashed value (derived from previous input) that RACF stores. True, good
hashing functions minimize collisions, and RACF uses good hashing

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