I'm trying to arrange my knowledge about CPU and RAM limits.
Example: current z/OS has limit up to 4 TB of memory. Older versions
(down to 1.8) also had that limit, but older machines had limit for LPAR
memory - up to 1 TB. This time it is not so easy to say what generation,
because LPAR limitation depend on I/O cage. In short, old cards like
FICON Express8 (non-S) means old I/O Cage, means up to 1 TB per LPAR.
Obviously z9 had lower limit because it had less memory (512 GB max).
What is current limit of LPAR memory? It is at least 16 TB (SSC support it).
Things get more unclear with CPU (CP, zIIP, zAAP) limits. Nowadays it is
possible to run z/OS with 190 CPs defined to LPAR. In the past there
were limitations. And since SMT there is another limitation for SMT mode.
Now questions:
What is current memory limit of LPAR? Is it just all available memory?
What about z/OS pre-1.8? Was the limit of 128 GB the same for all
versions 1.1-1.7?
What are CPU limits for older z/OS?
Is there any table, documentation, or presentation?
What is CFCC memory limit? (CPU is limited to 16 engines).
What about other systems (z/VSE, z/VM, z/TPF, Linux) - are the limits
documented anywhere?
Radoslaw Skorupka
(looking for new job)
Lodz, Poland
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