There is no simple solution.
However the solution exist!
You need to find it.
Some hints:
1. Install any XMI viewer (I can help here) and simply try to open any
file. If it will work, this would be the end of investigation.
2. Install any EBCDIC viewer. HxD is good choice, but I would suggest
more lightweight WnBrowse. At the end it would be even MS Word (yes, it
support EBCDIC-like codepages). Browse your files. Compare the content
to samples you downloaded for the comparison.
3. Try to upload some files to host. Use looong LRECL. And then just
browse it. Assuming the content is human-readable you will find out that
LRECL should be used next time. BTW: you can also start with LRECL=80,
which is quite common for text sources.
Radoslaw Skorupka
(looking for new job)
Lodz, Poland
W dniu 18.04.2021 o 19:51, Hilario Garcia pisze:
All files have different extensions. The extension is an idea of the content of
The problem is that I do not know the different DCB values of all the files (I
suppose that not all have the same since some are LOAD libraries. If I load
them with a record length of 80 for the source files, cntl, doc,. .. you can
see the content but the data is not aligned by its content.
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