Not really, the smaller the shop, the less programmers they have performing 
compiles, even if it takes 4 to 5 times as long to compile LE COBOL compared to 
something like COBOL-II, there are not enough of them to really matter.  A 
large shop wouldn't see that same problem, because while the compile times have 
gotten higher, the normally have the capacity to handle it, or at least handle 
it better.  


On Sat, 24 Jul 2021 12:19:58 -0300, Clark Morris <> wrote:

>[Default] On 23 Jul 2021 21:21:19 -0700, in
> (Brian Westerman) wrote:
>>Did you think to have even ONE of those early sites be one with a small 
>>processor (single CPU) like a low end single CPU z/13, z14 or z15?  Most 
>>likely you didn't and that's very sad.  A good percentage of "new" clients 
>>that IBM has added over the past 5 to 8 years are in that boat and IBM has 
>>decided to set sail without them.
>In addition to the resource use by z/OSMF, at the last SHARE Tom Ross
>reported that the current COBOL compile takes significantly more
>resources.  Since IBM is moving to common compiler backends, has this
>become a problem for small shops?
>Clark Morris
>>I have no doubt that the early customers represented vast swaths of 
>>geographies and industries, but how low did you guys dip to test with a 
>>"small" site.  The ones IBM called strategic so that they would not go to 
>>Open Systems and instead go with a small box and z/OS?
>>It's very disappointing.  Not all of the people IBM is ignoring have access 
>>to large and small boxes like I do, if you have a small box and want to 
>>upgrade after January to 2.5 from say 2.3, they will not be able to do it 
>>without beefing up their machine or coming to someone like us to do it for 
>>them.  I'm not complaining about the business that IBM is pushing my way, but 
>>I think it's sad that IBM appears to care very little about the damage (via 
>>frustration) they are about to do.  Some will buy an upgraded box, but many 
>>will simply drop their mainframe path in favor of some other direction (away 
>>from z/OS).
>>On Fri, 23 Jul 2021 15:24:10 -0500, Marna WALLE <> wrote:
>>>>> Some of the problem here is that you are telling me what "will" be there, 
>>>>> but I don't have anything that actually shows that or even implies it for 
>>>>> z/OSMF for z/OS.  I don't even have the workflows to verify anything.  
>>>For the z/OS Workflows that you haven't seen yet, they are Workflow steps 
>>>that are submitting the same JCL jobs that you used to submit through the 
>>>ISPF interface and should be familiar with today.  Meaning, instead of using 
>>>an ISPF panel to submit the job, you will now submit those same jobs from 
>>>the z/OSMF Workflow interface. That is the difference. The jobs remain the 
>>>same, in probably 99.99% of the cases.  They are being converted from ISPF 
>>>JCL skeletons (SCPPSENU) to z/OSMF Workflow JCL templates (XML).  So yes, 
>>>you haven't seen them in their XML format, but you certainly have seen them 
>>>when they were JCL skeletons.  And remember, every single Workflow step JCL 
>>>that is submitted is able to be edited from z/OSMF, just like it was with 
>>>the CustomPac dialog.  
>>>Might there be a conversion error to XML?  Yes, of course that is possible.  
>>>But that is why we have my second comment below...
>>>>> People won't have much time between Late September and January to 
>>>>> discover and correct all of the bugs.
>>>For each z/OS new release, and V2.5 more than ever, there are early customer 
>>>programs.  The release level early program for z/OS V2.5 has its main focus 
>>>on the installation of and upgrade to z/OS V2.5. We understood that the 
>>>installation process would be different and wanted as much exposure, 
>>>testing, and validation in customer environments before it GAs.  We have 
>>>early customers that represent many different industries and geographies.  
>>>Each of these customers has installed with a z/OS V2.5 z/OSMF ServerPac.  
>>>Not a single one of them used the old ISPF ServerPac.   
>>>-Marna WALLE
>>>z/OS System Install and Upgrade
>>>IBM Poughkeepsie
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