> From: willie bunter <williebun...@yahoo.com> > I checked the SC. It doesn't have Guaranteed Space.
Willie, if the SC doesn't have Guaranteed Space, then there is no way to force hsm to recall a migrated dataset on the original volume (at least that I'm aware of). If your dataset would have had a SC with Guaranteed Space = Yes, then hsm would have recalled it on the same volume where it was allocated. And if the original volume is not there (for whatever reason) the recall would fail. If you have datasets with such a SC, you can test this yourself. Walter Marguccio z/OS Systems Programmer BELENUS LOB Informatic GmbH Munich - Germany ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN