On 3/25/2013 9:17 AM, Bill Ashton wrote:
Hi guys...I have been asked to do some COBOL coding, and I have not done
some for quite a few years. Is there a COBOL listserv available, and is
there any other website that would have recommended best practices?

For example, I used to try to code all my working storage under a very few
01 levels, to keep the storage contiguous. I now see lots of 77 levels in
sample programs. Which is better and why - can someone point me toward a
best practices website?

Well, there are some short pieces here:


I wrote these then got other directed, never came back
to finish them up.

There is a COBOL newsgroup; so get yourself a newsgroup
reader and find 'em. They used to be fairly active. I
haven't been there since AOL stopped supporting newsgroups,
which has been quite a few years now. (something like


Kind regards,

-Steve Comstock
The Trainer's Friend, Inc.


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