My goal is to copy several PDS datasets, hundreds of text members. Source is VB 255, target is FB 80 - so IEBCOPY will not work.
Manual ISPF operations is also not an option.

So I tried to use File Manager:

However I noticed two issues:
1. Documentations says DDIN and DDOUT are default names and can be replaced with custom names... but this is not true. While I can use custom name for INPUT, the output can neither custom ddname, nor dataset name.
So I cannot use multiple DSC operations in single jobstep.
Q1. Is it APARable or I just missed something?

2. Records are copied from VB to FB and remaining space after last character is filled with X'00', but I need X'40' - regular space character. Q2. Is there any trick/option to specify it?

I already copied some libraries, so I had to replace X'00' with X'40'.
I used the following statements:
C X'00' X'40'

It worked OK, but it also changed ISPF statistics - now every member is last changed today and my userid is the changing person.

Q3. Is there any parameter to prevent ISPF stats unchanged?

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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