Lionel B. Dyck asked:
> Is this an alternative to the ZDNT Learners Edition?

No, not really. However, IBM Wazi as a Service (hourly rate) might be an 
alternative depending on how much you use z/OS for learning. Or you could spend 
a couple hours in Wazi as a Service, decide "Hey, I want to learn more," and 
order the ZD&T Learners Edition.

Dana Mitchell wrote:
> The 'Tech Docs'  link is 404:

It's working now for me. As I mentioned the general availability date is today 
(Friday, June 17), so that's when the documentation went live, too. The 
documentation tells you how it works technically: full IBM zSystems instruction 
set, virtualized I/O.

kekronbekron wrote:
>VD&T  -- zOS on s390x architecture (IFL)


>zD&TE -- zOS on x86_64 architecture


>ADCD  -- ??

This is IBM's "standard" developer-oriented distribution of z/OS and related 
products. The ADCD contents may vary a bit depending on which z/OS development 
option you choose, and you're not required to use it. Most of these offerings 
allow you to extract an existing z/OS image (from your own IBM zSystems 
machine) and use that instead if you prefer.

>Wazi  -- ??

IBM Wazi as a Service is essentially the IBM Cloud hosted version of the IBM 
Virtual Dev and Test for z/OS. It provides "on demand" service to get a z/OS 
instance within just a few minutes, and it's available in hourly billed 
increments. If you want only 1 hour, that's allowed. This offering is in 
limited beta right now, but IBM should have more to say about that soon.

These ways of running z/OS are not mutually exclusive.

— — — — —
Timothy Sipples
Senior Architect
Digital Assets, Industry Solutions, and Cybersecurity
IBM zSystems/LinuxONE, Asia-Pacific

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