You will have to use macro file extension in the C code. 

#include “file.macro”

> On 14 Aug 2022, at 8:09 am, Paul Gilmartin 
> <> wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Aug 2022 00:49:20 +0300, Binyamin Dissen wrote:
>> I am trying to tell the C compiler to use MACRO file types for #include.
> Are you the author or are you working from FOSS or other distributed source?
> If the latter, consider BFS.  Its directory structure may be more similar to 
> what
> exists in the real world.
> on MVS-z/OS, I found it easier to build from HFS than struggle with Classic 
> PDS.
> One other thing I found invaluable was gmake's VPATH for building for 
> disparate
> targets (MVS, Solaris) from a single NFS source tree.
>> The doc states:
>> ==========================================================================
>> COMMANDS CC                                         All Help Information
>> LSEarch(opt)|NOLSEarch         NOLSEARCH is the default. The LSEARCH option
>> directs the preprocessor to
>>       look for the user include files in the specified libraries or MACLIBs,
>> on the specified minidisks, or in the specified BFS directories. The
>> format of the LSEARCH option is:            LSEARCH (opt,opt,...)
>> where:           opt may be one of the following:            -  A CMS 
>> filemode
>> -  A BFS path name            -  (fname.suffix) = (subopt,subopt,...) where:
>> - fname is the name of the include file or *               - suffix is the
>> suffix of the include file or *               - subopt can be a filemode,
>> LIB(maclib_name,maclib_name,...),                 or NOLIB.
>> ==============================================================================
>> I have tried multiple versions of LSEARCH with no luck.
>> cc **name** c * (lsearch(*.macro)
>> WARNING CCN3261 Suboption *.macro is not valid for option LSEARCH.
>> cc **name** c * (lsearch(*.*.*)
>> WARNING CCN3261 Suboption *.*.* is not valid for option LSEARCH.
>> I can simply rename the MACRO to H and it works, but this is a bug in my
>> bonnet.
> -- 
> gil
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