That's what I did, for example to be able to call SWAREQ etc. from C
or certain machine instructions which cannot be reached from C otherwise.
Very small ASSEMBLER routines with clean C interfaces.

Because we are only using 31-bit C with standard linkage conventions
and NORENT, the linkage to the ASM routines is a no-brainer. No XPLINK.
Even no LE dependencies or considerations. LE doesn't even notice
that there are some small ASM routines doing some system-related work.

Kind regards


Am 15.08.2022 um 21:23 schrieb Kirk Wolf:
IMO, If you are going down the path of writing C/C++ for z/OS of much 
significance, you will likely need to write some assembler routines that you 
can call from C/C++.    Just bite the bullet and figure out the calling 
conventions (XPLINK?) and you will be glad in the long run.

The compiler inlining support is another option that often good, but in many 
cases it can be tricky because you have to carefully declare all of the 
register clobbers, not to mention the crazy syntax and symantics of __asm.

Kirk Wolf
Dovetailed Technologies, LLC
Dovetailed Technologies: +1 636.300.0901

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