Using the ICSF panels, I created an AES DATA key (128 bits) called MY.DATA.KEY
I fed this into a CSNBENC call and got rc=8 rsn=x'271C'. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. key-identifier (or label) is MY.DATA.KEY padded with blanks to 64 bytes init-vector is XL8'00' rule array is IPS,INITIAL,TOKEN each 8-bytes and padded with blanks. Regards, Pierre. 271C (10012) A key label was supplied for a key identifier parameter. This label is the label of a key in the in-storage CKDS or PKDS. A key record with that label (and the specific type if required by the ICSF callable service) could not be found. For a retained key label, this error code is also returned if the key is not found in the CCA coprocessor specified in the PKDS record. User action: Check with your administrator if you believe that this key should be in the in-storage CKDS or the PKDS. The administrator may be able to bring it into storage. If this key cannot be in storage, use a different label. REASONCODES: TSS 01E (030) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN