On 7/3/23 02:39, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
On 06.03.2023 02:43, David Crayford wrote:
I'm sure your BSF4ooRexx is a really nice library. But it's moot point talking about it on this forum because ooRexx has not been ported to z/OS, I'm sorry to say that I think it probably never will be.

That would be unfortunate and actually a little bit unprofessional if other non-IBM-invented and great software gets ported to it. OTOH seeing the FUDding towards ooRexx it is not a surprise, keeping everyone in the wait-and-see room (the purpose of FUD marketing).

Unless, of course, there is a REXX enthusiast who has the time and skills to do the port. I can tell you from experience, it's not easy.

Your experience stems from the days where ooRexx was coded to be 32-bit only, with quite a few hacks from its history at IBM (written originally at a time where C++ was not yet standardized, every company had its own C++ (pre-)compiler, then the need to have it run on OS/2, AIX, Windows and the like).

In the meantime the kernel got totally rewritten and the build system changed from autotools to CMake, making it possible to create ports of ooRexx with any bitness and operating system targets quickly.

I did notice that CMake is being used for the build. That's good as IBM have ported CMake to z/OS. It's hidden away on a personal Github repo by an ex-IBMer who used to work in the Java JIT team. I may mention that to IBM.

Anyway, I digress. ooRexx still have the same portability issues as before. For example, it assumes that 'phread_t' is a integer. On z/OS, System i, BSD etc it's an opaque type, a struct.

In file included from /u/ts8004/git/ooRexx/common/platform/unix/SysSemaphore.hpp:51: /u/ts8004/git/ooRexx/common/platform/unix/SysThread.hpp:70:36: error: no matching constructor for initialization of 'pthread_t'
    SysThread() : attached(false), _threadID(0) { ; }
                                   ^         ~
/usr/include/sys/types.h:300:19: note: candidate constructor (the implicit copy constructor) not viable: no known conversion from 'int' to 'const pthread_t' for 1st argument
          typedef struct {
/usr/include/sys/types.h:300:19: note: candidate constructor (the implicit move constructor) not viable: no known conversion from 'int' to 'pthread_t' for 1st argument /usr/include/sys/types.h:300:19: note: candidate constructor (the implicit default constructor) not viable: requires 0 arguments, but 1 was provided In file included from /u/ts8004/git/ooRexx/rexxapi/client/ClientMessage.cpp:41: In file included from /u/ts8004/git/ooRexx/rexxapi/client/LocalAPIManager.hpp:47: In file included from /u/ts8004/git/ooRexx/common/platform/unix/SysSemaphore.hpp:51: /u/ts8004/git/ooRexx/common/platform/unix/SysThread.hpp:86:17: error: cannot convert 'pthread_t' to 'uintptr_t' (aka 'unsigned long') without a conversion operator
         return (uintptr_t)_threadID;
/u/ts8004/git/ooRexx/common/platform/unix/SysThread.hpp:89:37: error: cannot convert 'pthread_t' to 'size_t' (aka 'unsigned long') without a conversion operator     inline size_t hash() { return (((size_t)_threadID) >> :sunglasses: * 37; }

IBM warns about this in it's documentation https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/i/7.1?topic=ssw_ibm_i_71/apis/concep17.html

Amazon have been fixing this bug in their C SDK https://github.com/awslabs/aws-c-io/issues/217

There also appears to be bugs in SysThread where the "attached" member variable is not initialized in the constructor that takes a pthread_t argument.

I also wonder what will happen to ooRexx once Rick McGuire retires? Is there a big enough community to keep it going?

Again FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubts): make its future doubtful should anyone think of porting it to z/OS?

Seriously, ooRexx is open-source so no one can pull it from the market such that any investment in it is strategically safe. The current set of features add already a lot of wealth of help and flexibility to the REXX table, there would be no need to add new ones to keep ooRexx an extremely improved over classic REXX tool forever.

I you want to attract people to work on ooRexx then I suggest modernizing the development pipeline. Move everything to Github. Nobody wants to use Subversion anymore and you can create wikis and improve the documentation.

Back to your doubts: yes, there are plenty of highly skilled programmers in the ooRexx community to take on maintenance and even add new features if deemed necessary (one of the ooRexx developers has even an experimental branch of ooRexx where he tests all sort of interesting features).

So, there is no reason to doubt the future of ooRexx. It is a safe investment.

I would be interested to know to average age of the commiters.

FWIW, the Python Py4J and JPype (and others)  libraries are similar to BSF4ooRexx and both run on z/OS. Note: you will need access to the xlclang/xlclang++ libraries to install those packages as PyPi doesn't have binaries for z/OS.


Thank you for that interesting link. The only implementation of a Java bridge there that adheres to the Java standard (this should go without saying that everyone should adhere to!), i.e. the Java scripting framework as defined in the javax.script package is Jython.

As such only Jython can be used as a scripting language from the Java side, if Java programmers want to run a Python script from their application using the Java scripting framework. E.g. you can use Jython for event handling in JavaFX, but none of the other Python-Java bridge attempts which is unfortunate.

All other bridges just ignore the Java scripting framework standard and whatever the respective author felt was right for himself turned into the infrastructure one has to learn in order to become able to use a particular Java bridge. Such an approach is quite ignorant and hence dilletantic despite the talent that people may show. Also one can tell the fascination of new Java-related projects like GraalVM (which is not ready for prime time for quite some time) without caring for business (professional) deployments of Java.

So the only candidate for a valid Python-Java bridge would be Jython. [Let me add that ooRexx+BSF4ooRexx is faster by comparison (comparing loading and dispatching scripts on the same machine in the same Java runtime environment).]

Comparing the ooRexx-Java bridge (BSF4ooRexx): it is fully implemented in both directions from ooRexx to Java and from Java to ooRexx: you can send ooRexx messages to Java objects (including arguments meant for the targeted Java method) that cause the appropriate Java method to be invoked on the targeted Java object; vice versa: you can invoke Java methods on the ooRexx proxy object on the Java side which will cause the proxied ooRexx object to receive a genuine ooRexx message accompanied with all Java arguments going with it.

BSF4ooRexx even allows you to implement abstract Java methods in ooRexx, wich is actually very easy! :)

Does it support lambda functions?

We use ReactorNetty for Java TCP servers [1]. Although it's far more common these days to use a layer 7 protocol such as HTTP(S) using a framework like Spring to do all the heavy lifting. It would be interesting to see how BSF4ooRexx could use ReactorNetty and if there would be any benefit over just using Java or Kotlin.

[1] https://projectreactor.io/docs/netty/release/reference/index.html

The above URL yields a bad request (400), using <https://projectreactor.io/docs/netty/release/reference/> works.

One could use that Java class library from ooRexx+BSF4ooRexx, it would be straight forward (interesting to see the old reactor implementation put to work which is fine). Also if logging was active you could cause any Rexx logging output to have it prepend "REXXout>", "REXXerr>" or "REXXtrc>" which helps enormeously in finding Rexx-related output in Java log files which can become huge (I added that feature because otherwise the Rexx programmers may lose an incredible amount of time locating Rexx output inmidst with Java output).

Python is not my favorite language by a country mile. For scripting I would choose Lua every day of the week and twice on Sundays. My younger colleagues, however, would not. A lot of universities use Python as the language for Introduction to Programming courses so the new hires already know the language from colleague.

Yes, this is unfortunate as they really are using one of the wrongest language for teaching programming to novices. It is impossible for novices to really learn and master programming within a semester, the best that can be usually achieved is to get them to the point where in narrowly confined areas they become able to write little programs but need a lot of additional time to get to learn the broader Python environment.

The industry has spoken! Python is the most popular programming language in the world so haters will have to just suck that up.

The major reason being that - unlike REXX, ooRexx and NetRexx - Python is *not* an easy programming language for novices! (It is quite difficult to come up with an easy to learn, to use and to understand programming language, the REXX language - and its families - stand out in that respect.)

I disagree. It's simple to learn. It's hard to learn the standard library as it's so huge but that comes with using it.

Take as an example your hint to <https://docs.python.org/3/library/selectors.html>: it is simply impossible to teach novices in 90 minutes everything that is necessary to become able to write a socket server and socket client as an assignment. Forget it if the novices are business administration students who have no clues of Unix/Linux/POSIX nor a theoretical background of what is documented there. T

I don't think anybody uses selectors these days. Modern Python has asyncio with co-routines and async/await similar to JavaScript or Kotlin. It's so simple to write a high performance web application.

To see for yourself you can look through the slides:

 * Introduction to programming, object-oriented programming, Windows programming with OLE including
   MS Office: <https://wi.wu.ac.at/rgf/wu/lehre/autowin/material/foils>

 * Introduction to BSF4ooRexx (ooRexx-Java bridge), exploiting the infrastructure, teaching with    nutshell programs platform independent programming for GUIs, client-/server programming,
   processing XML texts, Apache OpenOffice/LibreOffice, JavaFX:


I'll give it a look.

I'm happy to continue this conversation with you offline so we don't drift this thread any further.

Not asking the younger ones to learn the tools helping them or needed for mainframes, but rather ignore all these tools and only use Python, just because they know it, is simply not professional and unbearable for professionals. (It looks like the famous hammer philosophy, usually a recipe for desaster...)

However, this is not to say to not learn or to use Python (or any other, additional language)! Use Python everywhere where its application gives you noticeable benefits (saving time, saving costs, enabling something that is not possible otherwise and the like).

That is also the reason why in today's world it is important to learn and use Java which is a stunning, professional programming and runtime environment that carries not only more functionality in form of class libraries than any other language. Deploying Java, taking advantage of Java is of strategic importance for any company IMHO.

The reason I evangelize Python on z/OS is because I can see that IBM are backing it and it's strategic. I recently noticed IBM have released the Python AI Toolkit for z/OS which is free of charge. Exciting times ahead.


This is fine and o.k. as the Python tool can be used for that application area.

Do you realize, that if it is possible to use Java for exploiting this technology then that is already enough for ooRexx+BSF4ooRexx and of course also for NetRexx to be used for it? (No need for an extra library for a specific programming language to be created and to be made available as is the case with Python here.)

Ad COBOL-Java that gets stressed in the context of that announcement in <https://www.ibm.com/common/ssi/ShowDoc.wss?docURL=/common/ssi/rep_ca/3/897/ENUS223-013/index.html&lang=en&request_locale=en>: it may be interesting for COBOL programmers to know that thanks to the COBOL-Java bridge one could employ/dispatch REXX scripts, believe it or not and even supply arguments (even Java objects, if needed) and fetch return values!

The secret here lies in the standard Java scripting framework (the package javax.script) which makes it really *easy* to use any scripting language for executing scripts or macros. BSF4oRexx comes with a wealth of instructive nutshell samples in "samples/Java/javax.script" or the equivalent samples in NetRexx "samples/NetRexx/javax.script". These nutshell samples go from simple to powerful, demonstrating how easy it is to have a REXX/ooRexx script execute via Java/NetRexx and even supplying arguments and fetching return values to/from these Rexx scripts.

ooRexx+BSF4oorexx, NetRexx: powerful, helpful stuff and best: really *easy* to learn and easy to use! :)


On 6/3/23 04:16, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
Comment, asking:

    > Like what? Have you ever tried to write a TCP server in REXX?

Comment, receiving:

    > Start here and it is reasonably simple:


Comment: so writing a TCP server in REXX is not only theoretically possible, but a reality. Interesting what happens next:

    Thanks for the links. Now, there is code duplication between the two modules. How would one go
    about externalizing the common code to a module?

    The method of maintaining the socket descriptor list is crude and highlights the lack of data
    structures in classic REXX.

    Writing a non-blocking, multiplexing TCP server in Python is simple

Comment: surprisingly bringing up totally different items/aspects (somehow as "if you can, confuse/sidetrack/derail them"). The answer is: if one has a need for a TCP server or a TCP client in REXX one can create and use one as has been pointed out.

There have been no questions asked about how to go about "writing a non-blocking, mulitplexing TCP server in Python". If there was a need to "write a non-blocking, multiplexing TCP server in Python" why was that particular question not asked in the first place?

OTOH if the need is for REXX servers and/or clients (the original question) that employ "a non-blocking, mulitplexing TCP server" (the new, derailing questions) and one wishes to code that in REXX one can either look for REXX function libraries supplying the needed infrastructure, or create such interfaces to such libraries, or use NetRexx or BSF4ooRexx, which get one even more powerful abilities due to be immediately able to exploit the multiplatform, tested, cunning Java class libraries that come for free with Java. :)

Here slides where business administration students who learn programming (in a course named "Business Programming") as novices (!) in the second part of the semester (after two months learning Rexx and then ooRexx from scratch) having become able to use all of Java as a huge external ooRexx function and class library: <https://wi.wu.ac.at/rgf/wu/lehre/autojava/material/foils/230_AutoJava_Sockets_V05.pdf> (the slides also demonstrate how to take advantage of the Java SSL/TLS classes, it is actually quite easy). This demonstrates among other things how easy it becomes to exploit Java from ooRexx for creating TCP server and clients, and as one can see it is even easy doing the same with employing Java's SSL/TLS from the Rexx programs! [BTW this has become possible because of ooRexx dynamic and message based nature. Java objects suddenly understand ooRexx messages, the case of spelling method names or field names is not relevant anymore and some more. Or invoking Java methods on the Java RexxProxy class causes messages to be sent off to the proxied Rexx object and some more.]

Compare the Python library above with what Java allows for, here a nice overview article about it: <https://liakh-aliaksandr.medium.com/java-sockets-i-o-blocking-non-blocking-and-asynchronous-fb7f066e4ede>. Anything you see in the discussion about the POSIX definitions (that shine through that Python library above and as such mandates the knowledge about it) , the explanations about blocking, non-blocking, synchroneous, asynchroneous, multiplexing followed by the overview of respective Java classes in an overview form as well as the nutshell Java samples (using Sockets, NIO, NIO2) can be directly and immediately used/exploited from REXX in the form of ooRexx and NetRexx, where NetRexx will even create native Java classes from your Rexx code (running at the speed of native code). If wanting to keep the interactivity of an interpreter, the dynamics and the flexibility of ooRexx at runtime then use that.

The point here is simple: everyone who has REXX skills can rather easily and immediately take advantage of ooRexx or NetRexx.

The design principle of "human-centricness" of REXX defined by its inventor Mike F. Cowlishaw has been successfully applied for these two Rexx languages as well, making it even for newcomers (novices, see above!) easy to learn and take advantage of these Rexx languages (as a matter of fact Mike F. Cowlishaw also designed NetRexx at IBM which later got open-sourced and gets further developed by RexxLA.org).

Just try out these REXX variants, experiment a little bit, they open totally new doors in addition to those you have been enjoying with classic REXX already, hence it will pay in any case.


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