This is certainly a correct list; there may be more  specialized lists as well, 
but there are more eyeballs here, so it's a good place to start.

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of 
Cameron Conacher <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 5, 2023 9:27 AM
Subject: Anyone using z/OS Connect EE with IMS as a Provider?

I am not sure if this is the correct list to ask this.

Is anyone out there using z/OS Connect EE with IMS as a Service Provider?
We have been able to successfully process requests using EBCDIC CodePage 1047.
I am trying to make things work using CodePage UTF-16BE.

With IMS, the first two bytes of the Request Message are reserved for a BINARY 
LL data item.
The next two bytes are reserved for a BINARY ZZ data item.
The next eight bytes must contain the IMS Transaction Code.

If I want the request message to arrive in my IMS program encoded as UTF-16BE, 
I assume that the entire request message is encoded as UTF-16BE.
And, I believe this is wreaking havoc with the LLZZ and Transaction Code data 

Has anyone managed to use CodePage UTF-16BE for these IMS Services in z/OS 
Perhaps this just simply cannot be done?

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Is there a z/OS Connect EE list? Or maybe an IMS list I should ask this in?


Cameron Conacher
Senior Engineer

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