Hello Lizette,

Same here.

some things I have learned (since our environment is still primitive):-
1. must have JAVA path set correctly.
2. must have node.js PATH set
3. use bash
4. trying to debug a zowe.yaml file (2.7) without access to VSCODE is 
impossible. (Had to open case wqith IBM to resolve)
5. zwe init mvs -c /etc/zowe/zowe.yaml
6. the above writes stuff to your ZOWE SZWEAUTH dataset outside of SMP

We are still trying to work out how to handle this product on our existing 
SYSRES build and ship process.

ps: no access to github or slack at office.  verbotten.

>> On May 16, 2023, at 12:12 PM, Lizette Koehler <stars...@mindspring.com> 
>> wrote:
>> List -
>> Are there any user groups for zOWE?
>> I am just now working on configuring it and have lots of questions


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