For those into security (and shouldn't we all be) a question on ssh keys: 
How often should a user change their ssh keys for z/OS (OMVS)?  on their

When changing on the workstation, that probably happens every few years as
the workstation is replaced, the user then needs to update any git servers
they connect to with the new key as well as any other servers they access
via ssh by updating the authorized_keys file with the new public key.

When changing on z/OS (OMVS), which probably never happens, the user needs
to update any git servers with the new key and any other servers they access
where their public key is in the authorized_keys file.

Both the git server and any authorized_keys files would have to have the old
key removed (not critical as it is still intimately connected to the now
replaced private key but needed to keep things clean).

Are there any best practices, guidelines, etc. on this?

Lionel B. Dyck <><

“Worry more about your character than your reputation. Character is what you
are, reputation merely what others think you are.”   - - - John Wooden

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