Long ago in a galaxy far away, I was a systems programmer at a CDC 6400 site. 
The ALGOL 60 compiler for SCOPE was written in COMPASS, and the logic manual 
consisted solely of a translation of the compiler into *UNCOMMENTED* ALGOL. A 
CDC rep couldn't understand why I found hat unhelpful. 

Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List [IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of Bob 
Bridges [robhbrid...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 4:43 PM
Subject: Re: Are you serious about wanting a better IBM doc RCF-type process?

Yes!  I've heard a lot of complaints about IBM documentation being confusing, 
and I know it's impossible to make EVERYTHING clear.  But one thing I've said 
over and over again for decades:  I may have to search the manuals for a long 
time to find what I'm looking for, but I can be pretty confident that the 
information is in there somewhere!  Not so with other products.

Not that the competing documentation is ~all~ crap.  But no one matches IBM in 
this regard.


A quick story.  (Well, maybe not so quick.)  An insurance company got mad at CA 
and decided to dump all CA products and replace them with others: Control-M, 
Zeke/Zebb/Zara and so forth.  They hired me to figure out what security rules 
existed for the CA products and what matching rules would be required for the 
new ones.

This involved a lot of talking on the phone to tech support at the various 
publishers.  Usually my question(s) would be pushed up to tier 2 and 3 before 
garnering an answer, and in the interim my original contact would sometimes 
disappear, having left the company or moved to another area; then I'd have to 
start over.

At one point, while talking to a tier-3 guy about the new tape-management 
system, I got tired of explaining my questions to him and wrote out a 
pseudocode decision table, showing all the possible combinations and how each 
one was to be addressed: Non-numeric tape VOLSERs, foreign tapes, unnamed DSs, 
DSs with special dates, I don't know what-all (it was almost 30 years ago).  At 
 four places in the pseudocode I inserted questions:  "On p37 the documentation 
says this, but on 105 it says this."  "Here the documentation says this, but 
what the heck does that mean?"  "I see no place in the documentation that 
explains how to handle this combination of factors."  There must be, I 
reasoned, some guy at the company who had helped write the product and could 
answer those four questions.

Great, said my tier-3 contact, this is what I need to get you your answers.  He 
hung up, and disappeared.  I never heard from him again.  I had to start over 

A month later I had new tier-3 guy, and brought up the same question:  Surely 
you have some kind of decision table that explains how each situation is 
handled?  (It seemed so obvious that there should be something like that.)  
Yeah, he said, I've seen something like that around here.  I'll find a copy and 
send it to you.

Some of you know where this is going.  When the "decision table" arrived, it 
was a photocopy of mine; same printer (I think it was a DECWriter), same order, 
same four questions (none answered).

Bob Bridges, robhbrid...@gmail.com, cell 336 382-7313

/* If ye make indentures with God how much ye will serve Him, ye shall find ye 
have signed both of them yourself.  -Thomas More */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Steve Thompson
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 15:19

Decades ago someone said to me, as I complained about an index issue (something 
I thought should have been in the index) -- "Why don't you go read the manuals 
for competing systems to IBM's mainframes and let me know what you think of 
their non-existent Index and barely adequate table of contents."

Well, it wasn't too long after that that I had the opportunity to work on a 
project where we had Univac systems.

I realized how much better IBM's manuals were.

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