I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's a compiler bug.  I recreated the 
issue (with this program) with both V6.3 and V6.4.

I also "solved" the issue by using BYTE-LENGTH instead of LENGTH.  But that's 
just a work-around, of course.  So you need to open a CASE with IBM to get it 
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of 
Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: COBOL Field Length problem

My next step would be to look at the generated code to see if it is using the
right element. I am not super trustful of compilers.

On Wed, 24 May 2023 16:25:21 +0000 Billy Ashton <bill00ash...@gmail.com>

:>Hey everyone - back again with another COBOL problem. Your help with my
:>COPY REPLACING question was great and the programmer is quite happy with
:>that solution. Now, he came to me with what looks like a problem, and I
:>am not sure if we are doing something wrong, or if it is a bug in our
:>Enterprise COBOL for z/OS  6.3.0 P220314 system.
:>In a nutshell, when using the LENGTH(TRIM(some-field)) function against
:>any elementary data item, it works great. However, when using it against
:>an item within an occurs (think data table), every reference beyond 1
:>gets handled as item #1. For example, if I have a group with 8 items,
:>the length of item #1 is right, but the length of item(2) through
:>item(8) is always the value of item(1). The table index can be display
:>numeric, packed, or binary, and the results are the same, so I don't
:>think it is a problem with the index, but somehow the reference is not
:>resolved correctly within the nested function.
:>Maybe a short program would be helpful. I hope a 60 line program is ok!
:>Let me know what you think is happening.
:>        PROGRAM-ID.     TSTPG002.
:>        Configuration   Section.
:>        Repository.
:>            Function  All  Intrinsic.
:>        DATA DIVISION.
:>        01  WS.
:>            05  INL-NO      PIC S9(08)  VALUE ZERO BINARY.
:>            05  INL-I1      PIC S9(08)  VALUE ZERO BINARY.
:>            05  INL-I2      PIC S9(08)  VALUE ZERO BINARY.
:>            05  INL-H       PIC S9(08)  VALUE ZERO BINARY.
:>            05  IN-GRP-X.
:>                10  L1 PIC X(65) VALUE '* THIS_IS_A_COMMENT Here .28'.
:>                10  L2 PIC X(65) VALUE SPACE.
:>                10  L3 PIC X(65) VALUE 'COMND   VALUE1 17'.
:>                10  L4 PIC X(65) VALUE '    COMND   VALUE2 21'.
:>                10  L5 PIC X(65) VALUE '  COMND     VALUE3 21'.
:>                10  L6 PIC X(65) VALUE 'COMND VALUE4 15  '.
:>                10  L7 PIC X(65) VALUE ' COMND              VAL* 27 '.
:>                10  L8 PIC X(65) VALUE '    * THIS_IS_A_COMMENT... 29'.
:>            05           REDEFINES IN-GRP-X  OCCURS 8.
:>                10  IN-LINE PIC  X(65).
:>            05  Hold-L      PIC  X(65).
:>            05  I1          PIC S9(08)  VALUE ZERO Binary.
:>            05  I2          PIC S9(08)  VALUE ZERO.
:>                Move I1 to I2
:>                Move In-line(I1) to Hold-L
:>                Display I1 '      '
:>                        '----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4'
:>                        '----+----5----+----6----+'
:>                Display '   Original: >' IN-LINE(I1) '<'
:>                Display '   Trim:     >' Trim(In-line(I1) Trailing) '<'
:>                Compute INL-I1 = Length(Trim(In-line(I1) Trailing))
:>                Compute INL-I2 = Length(Trim(In-line(I2) Trailing))
:>                Compute INL-H  = Length(Trim(Hold-L      Trailing))
:>                Evaluate TRUE
:>                  When I1 = 1 Compute INL-NO = Length(Trim(L1 Trailing))
:>                  When I1 = 2 Compute INL-NO = Length(Trim(L2 Trailing))
:>                  When I1 = 3 Compute INL-NO = Length(Trim(L3 Trailing))
:>                  When I1 = 4 Compute INL-NO = Length(Trim(L4 Trailing))
:>                  When I1 = 5 Compute INL-NO = Length(Trim(L5 Trailing))
:>                  When I1 = 6 Compute INL-NO = Length(Trim(L6 Trailing))
:>                  When I1 = 7 Compute INL-NO = Length(Trim(L7 Trailing))
:>                  When Other  Compute INL-NO = Length(Trim(L8 Trailing))
:>                End-Evaluate
:>                Display '   Lengths:'
:>                        '   I1(' INL-I1 ')'
:>                        ' I2(' INL-I2 ')'
:>                        ' Hold(' INL-H ')'
:>                        ' By name(' INL-NO ')'
:>                Display ' '
:>            END-PERFORM
:>            GOBACK.
:>Thank you and best regards,
:>Billy Ashton
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:>send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN

Binyamin Dissen <bdis...@dissensoftware.com>

Director, Dissen Software, Bar & Grill - Israel

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