Hello list, I'm pretty sure I know what I did wrong and what I must do to fix it, but would like validation from the SMP/E gurus here.
DFSMSdss has a module ADRPATCH for activating optional behavior. The DFDSS manual shows the use of AMASPZAP for turning these flags on/off. Very simple zap process (sorry for alignment). //ZAP EXEC PGM=AMASPZAP,PARM='IGNIDRFULL' //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //SYSLIB DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SYS1.LINKLIB //SYSIN DD * NAME ADRDSSU ADRPATCH VER 0058 00 REP 0058 F0 I didn't want to lose the zap in case of maintenance so I built a usermod to install it as such: //SMPCSI DD DISP=SHR,DSN=SMPE.ZOS24.GLOBAL.CSI //SMPCNTL DD * SET BDY(GLOBAL). RECEIVE SYSMODS SELECT(DSSPT58). SET BDY (MVST100) . APPLY SELECT(DSSPT58) CHECK RETRY(YES). /* //SMPPTFIN DD * ++USERMOD(DSSPT58) . ++VER (Z038) FMID(HDZ2240) PRE(UJ01310) . ++ZAP ( ADRDSSU ) . NAME ADRPATCH VER 0058 00 REP 0058 F0 /* // We needed to subsequently remove the usermod to apply maintenance to ADRDSSU and to our dismay, after the usermod was restored, the flag was still set. We found this when, after applying the maintenance and adjusting the PRE in the ++VER, and trying to do the reject/receive/apply of the usermod, the apply failed because the VER failed. Looking at the ADRPATCH CSECT in the load module confirmed this. Looking at the restore job showed that the job did a relink of ADRDSSU, pulling the MOD ADRDSSU from the DLIB and the rest of the LMOD ADRDSSU (which includes ADRPATCH) from the currently running LINKLIB. To get around the mismatch where the zap was still in place in the loadmod but SMP/E said it isn't, I manually zapped the flag back off. What I'm thinking I should have done initially was, instead of zapping the ADRDSSU load module, would have been to zap the MOD ADRPATCH like this: ++ZAP ( ADRPATCH) . NAME ADRPATCH VER 0058 00 REP 0058 F0 In doing so, I think SMP/E would have put the zap onto ADRPATCH and relinked ADRDSSU with the zapped version of ADRPATCH, then when we needed to restore the usermod, SMP/E would have relinked ADRDSSU with the unzapped version of ADRPATCH in the DLIB. Am I correct in my assessment? TIA, Rex (and apologies for the length of the email but I wanted to include all pertinent info) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The information contained in this message is confidential, protected from disclosure and may be legally privileged. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, distribution, copying, or any action taken or action omitted in reliance on it, is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by replying to this message and destroy the material in its entirety, whether in electronic or hard copy format. Thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN