And for my next question: what about RSYNC?
I don't see it mentioned on the Co:Z web site. Didn't find it on Rocket's web site either. I thought I heard a rumor about someone porting it, but I also don't see it under the z/OS Open Tools GitHub repository.

RSYNC is the tool of choice for bulk file transfer on Linux, most Unix, MacOS, even Windoze (via CYGWIN, maybe WSL1). Stealing verbiage from Lionel, it would be impossible to speak too highly about RSYNC as a general tool for maintaining file hierarchies. The gotcha for z/OS would be ASCII/EBCDIC mixing, similar problem for those who use NFS between USS and other systems.

-- R; <><

On 7/28/23 11:38, Tom Brennan wrote:
Sounds great!  I've never used Co:Z, but I always assumed it was a mod to the open source SSH code, with a new listening STC.  Interesting to see John's note about it using IBM's SSH processing.  I'm not sure I would have thought of that simple idea myself.

Conversations in the past went like this:
User: Does the mainframe support sftp?
Tom: Sure!
User: Ok, so I can sftp PROD.PAYROLL to our Linux app.
Tom: Sure!  But... um...

On 7/28/2023 8:01 AM, Lionel B. Dyck wrote:
It would be impossible to speak to highly about Co:Z - and not just about their sftp server enhancement but also their other tools. They have provided what IBM should have.

Check the license - it's free with some restrictions. And they offer a full support contract as well (which I would encourage you to consider if you're going to use it in production if only to support this great company).

Lionel B. Dyck <><

“Worry more about your character than your reputation. Character is what you are, reputation merely what others think you are.” - - - John Wooden

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of John S. Giltner, Jr.
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2023 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: Preferred FTP Client for Windows

Co:Z SFTP only talks SSH/SFTP.  It sits "on top" of IBM's ported OpenSSH.  So you need IBM's OpenSSH installed.

To get/put z/OS files you do need to use some special command such as to put  a text file with LRECL=80 and fixed block  to z/OS

ls /+mode=text,lrecl=80,recmf=fb,blksize=0,space=trk.1.1

To get a z/OS file that is text:

ls /+mode=text

To do binary it would be ls /+mode=binary.

For OMVS files the get/put are just like any other *nix host. If the files are in EBCDIC you need the ls /+mode=text.  If they are binary or in ASCII you use /+mode=binary/

Co:Z does have a config file where you can set defaults for mode, lrecl, blksize and everything else so you don't have to specify the parameters every time if you know what you going to be using most of the time.

You can also use Co:Z as a client on z/OS to send/get files from other SFTP servers.

On Fri, 28 Jul 2023 10:25:34 -0400, Rick Troth <> wrote:

This is great to hear, John. Thanks.

For people like me, who need excruciating clarity, you're saying that
the SERVER in the Co:Z product groks traditional datasets as well as
USS files. Correct? Fantastic!
That means one can use a variety of clients, specifically several which
go via SSH. Is that also correct?

You mention SFTP which is FTP-like behavior using SSH under the covers.
Contrast with FTPS which is traditional FTP but with SSL/TLS added.
I'm keen on the former because it uses a single channel. Though I much
prefer a one-shot command in any case, and 'scp' does that (and runs
via SSH like 'sftp').

Does the Co:Z server speak both SSH (for SFTP) and traditional FTP?

-- R; <><

On 7/28/23 07:34, John S. Giltner, Jr. wrote:
I use sftp  with Co:Z SFTP installed on the z/OS side.  It allows access to z/OS files as well as OMVS files.  Where as OpenSSH on z/OS only allows access to OMVS files.

Under Windows you can use WSL, Putty, Cygwin, or any other CLI sftp product.  I use Cygwin most of the time.

On Wed, 26 Jul 2023 16:06:52 -0500, Steve Estle <> wrote:

Hello All,

I work in a secure government environment and moving files up and down from the mainframe (especially traditional ZOS datasets) is a 'xxxx' pita with Winscp and everything I read (including IBMMAIN archives) is that tool is just plain dumb when it comes to datasets with standard ZOS HLQ's.  I'm trying to do a non-scientific poll - what is the preferred FTP client to run on Windows platform out there everyone is using that you are happy with and can easily navigate to either traditional ZOS HLQ dataset or Unix System Services files.  Of course freeware is preferred if user friendly.

I know there is Filezilla but not sure it is much better than Winscp?

Thanks for everyone's thoughts and input.

Steve Estle

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