W dniu 2013-05-08 03:52, Jeffery Swagger pisze:
A few months ago all of our 3480/3490 tapes were destroyed. Something
like over 30,000. Not to mention the REEL tapes that are still defined
but non-existent.

I would like to remove these from the RMM database.

Something is telling me in the back of my mind "Don't try do do it all
at once". I have nightmares of journals filling up, CDS corruption, etc,
and other Bad Things, all of which I'd rather avoid.

My environment:
z/OS 1.13 on z10, current maintenance.
3 LPAR resource sharing SYSPLEX.

I have been told that the only valid tape volumes are 05*. Anything else
is obsolete and can be deleted. Oh, and these are all non-SMS and are
actually STK/Oracle 94somethingorother residing in a STK/Oracle Silo. If
that makes a difference.

So, what is a good way to approach this?
Any suggestions welcome, and thanks in advance,

1. Backup. CDS and other important datasets can be backed up before the action. 2. Restore. Yes, you should be sure that backup is usable, restore is the best way to prove it.
3. Test environment. Yes, tests should be performed on non-prod environment.
4. Now you can start the job. ;-)
If you really afraid of mass delete then consider usage of TSO RMM commands (with CLIST option) - you can easily get subsets of your tape set.

BTW: RMM is only directory. What do you plan to do with real data on real tape carts? Option 1. Quick and easy. Destroy the content using degausser. But the carts will become unusable. Option 2. Slow and harder. Use data erase facilities of the drives. It will take a lot of time (many minutes per cart). But the tapes will be still usable. Option 3. The quickest and the easiest, but somehow not recommended. Do nothing. Who would be interested your data? Who has such drives? ;-)))

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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