I just moved the cursor to where I thought a line should end and pushed Return.

On 9/4/2023 11:04 AM, Paul Gilmartin wrote:
On Mon, 4 Sep 2023 10:42:51 -0700, Tom Brennan wrote:

I can't be sure I formatted it properly, ...

What did you do to fix it?  (List the steps, or did you just retype t?)

Could ChatGPT be instructed to use line breaks and eschew NBSP?

but after looking over the
code, I have nothing to say but WTF? :)

          PRINT NOGEN
          TITLE 'Simple Addition Program'
** Define storage for input numbers and result
Reminds me of a certain physicist's first FORTRAN program.

ChatGPT needs to peruse a QSAM tutorial.
Could it produce a reentrant version?
Does it remember in case you ask for a refinement?

NUM1     DS    F             First input number
NUM2     DS    F             Second input number
RESULT   DS    F             Result of addition
** Main program
MAIN     C      0        NUM1   Check if NUM1 is zero
          BE     ZERO            Branch to ZERO if true
** Read the first number from input
          GET    NUM1,NUMIN      Read NUM1 from input
          LA     0,NUM1          Load NUM1 into register
** Read the second number from input
          GET    NUM2,NUMIN      Read NUM2 from input
          A      NUM1,NUM2       Add NUM1 and NUM2
          ST     NUM1,RESULT     Store the result in RESULT
** Print the result
          PUT    RESULT,NUMOUT   Print the result
** Terminate the program
          SR     15,15           Set return code to 0
          BR     14              Return to caller
** Define input and output areas
NUMIN    DC    F'0'           Input buffer for numbers
NUMOUT   DC    F'0'           Output buffer for result
ZERO     DC    F'0'           Constant zero
          END   MAIN            End of program

On 9/4/2023 9:57 AM, Paul Gilmartinrwrote:
On Mon, 4 Sep 2023 16:36:14 +0000, Bill Johnson wrote:


Write me an assembler program using high-level assembler for the mainframe.

Fix your damn mailer, or throw it away and get one that works!

In particular, do not use NBSP to format code samples.


Certainly! Here’s a simple example of a mainframe assembly program written in 
High-Level Assembler (HLASM) that reads two numbers from input and prints their 
           PRINT NOGEN         TITLE 'Simple Addition Program'** Define storage 
for input numbers and result*NUM1     DS    F             First input 
numberNUM2     DS    F             Second input numberRESULT   DS    F          
   Result of addition** Main program*MAIN     C      0      NUM1   Check if 
NUM1 is zero         BE     ZERO            Branch to ZERO if true** Read the 
first number from input*         GET    NUM1,NUMIN      Read NUM1 from input    
     LA     0,NUM1          Load NUM1 into register** Read the second number 
from input*         GET    NUM2,NUMIN      Read NUM2 from input         A      
NUM1,NUM2       Add NUM1 and NUM2         ST     NUM1,RESULT     Store the 
result in RESULT** Print the result*         PUT    RESULT,NUMOUT   Print the 
result** Terminate the program*         SR     15,15           Set return code 
to 0         BR     14              Return to caller** Define input and output 
areas*NUMIN    DC    F'0'           Input buffer for numbersNUMOUT   DC    F'0' 
          Output buffer for resultZERO     DC    F'0'           Constant zero   
      END   MAIN            End of program
Please note that this is a simplified example for demonstration purposes. In a 
real-world scenario, you would need to adapt this code to your specific 
mainframe environment and requirements. Assembly language programming can be 
quite complex, so make sure to consult the documentation for your specific 
mainframe and assembler to ensure compatibility and correctness.

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