Thanks for changing the Subject: as the topic drifted.

On Wed, 20 Sep 2023 15:23:31 +0000, Farley, Peter wrote:

>I believe that statement in the JCL Reference is in error and needs to be 
>deleted or at the very least completely rewritten.  My quite substantial 
>experience using this technique over the last 10-15 years is that using JCL 
>symbols as part of the definition of other JCL symbols works flawlessly every 
>time.  ...
The Ref. is inconsistent in its terminology:
    The SET statement contains one or more parameters:
    symbolic-parameter=value[,symbolic parameter=value]...

clearly in:
>On Wed, 20 Sep 2023 04:12:20 +0000, Peter Hannigan wrote:
>>    ...
>>// SET A&RPREFIX=' '
Peter H. was specifying a symbol within a "symbolic-parameter",
not within the "value"
>  - Do not specify JCL symbols within other JCL symbols. The results
>    can be unpredictable, especially if the imbedded JCL symbol is
>    not previously defined.
For clarity, that should have said "symbolic-parameter", which
I assume was within its intended meaning, not simply "JCL
symbols within"

Regardless, I agree with both Peter F. and Peter H. that either
construct works provided that all  symbols are resolved according
to "Determining equivalent JCL" which should be cited here
unless it can be assumed to apply consistently throughout the Ref.


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