Charles wrote:
>The critical bit is there to provide upward compatibility for
>certificates, which are a standard that is implemented in everything
>from z/OS to Nest Thermostats to Balckberrys that have not been
>updated in ten years.

>The critical bit says "this extension really matters. If you don't
>know what this extension is all about, if you don't recognize it, if
>it is a newer standard than your implementation, then you must reject
>this certificate."

>So it seems to me to be really fussy pedantry for a TLS implementation
>(yes, GSK) to say "I recognize that extension, but you were SUPPOSED
>to set the critical bit, so nanner, nanner, I am rejecting it."

OK, I agree, but I still don't know whether that makes it a bug or what.

Alan's comment:
>While I wouldn't be surprised to find certificate validation fixes in
>the same release that has TLS 1.3 (it tightened up various security
>aspects), I would be surprised to find those fixes not applying to
>older protocols.

...also seems trenchant: even if it IS considered correct behavior, why just 
for TLSv1.3?

Hoping someone from gsk-land in IBM can chime in here. I don't have the ability 
to open a PMR these days.


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