W dniu 20.12.2023 o 22:46, Sri h Kolusu pisze:
Q: is it really required to put the library into LPA? I searched ICSF
documentation and found no reference.
It is documented in RACF Security Administrator's Guide.
When using the secured signon facilities with encryption, the following
Integrated Cryptographic Service Facility (ICSF) modules must be installed as
follows so they can be accessed by RACF.
The CSNBENC module must reside in the link pack area (LPA) if not already
there. It can be dynamically loaded, or added to PLPA or MLPA with the
respective PARMLIB members.
The following modules must reside in APF-authorized link-listed data sets:
I think there is some mess here. You quoted documentation, which is
relevant to z/OS 2.3, not 2.5. Yes, the chapter was changed.
In other words: z/OS 2.3 and older mention CSNBENC, but z/OS 2.4 and
newer does not mention this name at all.
However I have found the same text in OMEGAMON 5.5 and I do have it.
However I'm not sure whether is it no longer valid due to changes in
ICSF and/or RACF.
Unfortunately I did not found any clue in Summary of changes.
Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland
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