> I think that he's not getting a "flooding" condition at all, he probably just > hit enter on his emulator, > IEE163I MODE= HELD IEE159E MESSAGE WAITING
The OP showed the IEE163I which showed MODE=RD with the IEE159E. It's possible he intentionally used hold mode and caused the message backup. The OP needs to understand RTME=. Even when messages remain for 1 second on the console, a backlog can occur for various reasons. Most consider the term "message flooding" an unexpected situation and bad. The reality is that each console has a purpose and the console operator wants to see those messages. "MODE=R" should never be used to clear a console because action messages will not be held on the console screen. The OP specified ROUTCDE=ALL which means every syslog message will be displayed on this console. Obviously the OP should be using syslog instead of a console. The OP defaulted MSCOPE which directs messages from all systems in the SYSPLEX will be directed to this console. The OP said he only runs a monoplex so this is not a problem. Is there anyone who actually uses RTME=1,ROUTCDE=ALL,MSCOPE=ALL and find that console useful with normal activity? Understanding RTME tells the OP how the console removes messages from the console. Understanding ROUTCDE shows the OP the primary method to eliminate irrelevant messages from the console. There are many tools available to make a console relevant for a specific use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- For IBM-MAIN subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to lists...@listserv.ua.edu with the message: INFO IBM-MAIN