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-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> För David Spiegel
Skickat: den 30 januari 2024 03:56
Ämne: Re: How can I determine the User Name associated with the current Batch 

Hi Cameron,
Can you please send me the source of your working program?
My email address is da...@ddstar.com

Thanks and regards,

On 2024-01-29 16:49, Cameron Conacher wrote:
> Thanks everyone,
> This is just what I needed.
> Appreciate the help.
> Thanks
> …….Cameron
> From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On 
> Behalf Of Lars Höglund
> Sent: Monday, January 29, 2024 11:10 AM
> Subject: Sv: How can I determine the User Name associated with the current 
> Batch JOB RACF ID?
> Something like this Code Extract: LINKAGE SECTION. 01 CB1. 05 PTR1 
> POINTER OCCURS 512. 01 CVT. 05 CVT1 POINTER OCCURS 512. 01 CB2. 05 
> Something like this
> Code Extract:
> 01 CB1.
>    05 PTR1 POINTER OCCURS 512.
> 01 CVT.
>    05 CVT1 POINTER OCCURS 512.
> 01 CB2.
>    05 PTR2 POINTER OCCURS 256.
> .
> .
> .
> SET ADDRESS OF CB2          TO PTR1(4)
> MOVE CB2(1:8)                    TO WS-BJOBNAMN
> SET ADDRESS OF CB2          TO PTR1(46)
> MOVE CB2(361:8)              TO WS-BPGM
> SET ADDRESS OF CB2          TO PTR2(80)
> MOVE CB2(13:8)                 TO  BJOBNR
> SET ADDRESS OF CB1          TO PTR1(138)
> SET ADDRESS OF CB2          TO PTR1(28)
> MOVE CB2(193:8)             TO WS-BUSER
> -----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
> Från: IBM Mainframe Discussion List 
> Cameron Conacher
> Skickat: den 29 januari 2024 14:37
> Ämne: How can I determine the User Name associated with the current Batch JOB 
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> Good Morning,
> I know I can do this in CICS, but I am digging around to see if this can be 
> done in a batch COBOL program.
> Basically, I just want to include Fred's Name in a report I generate, where 
> Fred is the RACF ID associate with the currently executing Batch JOB. (a 
> COBOL program).
> I could write something to call out to CICS (EXCI maybe) to get a name.
> But I wanted to know if there is anyway to do this by calling some routines 
> from my Batch COBOL program.
> I am assuming right now, it is not possible since I have come up empty so far.
> Thanks
> Cameron Conacher
> Senior Engineer
> American Express Canada Inc.
> 2225 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, ON  M2J 5C2
> cameron.conac...@aexp.com<mailto:cameron.conac...@aexp.com><mailto:Cam
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