Perl...what environment(s) is it available in?  My usual coding platforms are 
z/OS (specifically TSO) and Windows, mostly MS Office.

I don't actually know PowerShell; I've been exposed to it, see that it's very 
powerful for some purposes, and have modified PS scripts in minor ways.  In 
other words my facility with PS is very much like younger mainframers' with 
JCL.  But since I'm supposed to be a security jock, and sometimes have reason 
to extract data from AD to compare with RACF/TSS/ACF2, I see that really 
learning PS would be a good thing.

As I've probably said here before, I lusted after ooRexx from the first day I 
heard about it, but at first couldn't see where I'd actually use it; I can't 
hand ooRexx code to clients, unless they already use it (and no one does).  I 
finally broke down and got myself a copy for a small 
plain-text-to-formatted-PDF conversion I did for an error manual; I tried 
converting the plain text to formatted RTF using VBA, but gave it up as a bad 
job and did it in ooRexx, after taking a few days off to learn what I don't 
know.  (There's a lot more to it than I expected.)  Now I use it for automation 
on my own machine, but that’s all.

Ruby -- no, never have.  Again, what environment(s) is it available on?

Bob Bridges,, cell 336 382-7313

/* When I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food 
and clothes.  -Erasmus */

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Seymour J Metz
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2024 15:14

CLIST will never go away, but I avoid it as much as possible. There is a very 
limited set of use cases for it, IMHO, and REXX has been my goto scripting 
language for decades, with a grudging nod to Perl when CPAN can make my life 

PowerShell suggests that you're not limited to Z, inwhich case it's worth 
looking at ooRexx.

Have you looked at Ruby?

From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> on behalf of Bob 
Bridges <>
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 7:58 PM

I can tell you how it happened to me, at any rate.  I was a long-time CLISTer, 
and then one day, back in the mid '80s it might have been, I ran across a 
warning from IBM that someday soon CLIST might go away and REXX would be the 
only supported language for system automation (or something like that).  I took 
them seriously - I didn't know at the time that they used to issue that warning 
periodically - and sat down with a manual to start learning REXX.  I quickly 
realized that it's ~much~ superior to CLIST, and have been an enthusiast ever 

But that needn't stop me from tacking on other languages; I'm not tired of that 
yet, and I still have ambitions of adding more.  Python is better, you say?  
But can I use it in the TSO environment?  If it's only for Unix, I may pass for 
now.  I still work for multiple clients and it seems to me I could usefully 
focus on languages that the clients are likely to use themselves.  That means 
TSO REXX, VBA and VBS, SQL, assembler, probably PowerShell, maybe PL/1...  What 
else?  Seriously I'm open to the next one I should tackle.  I keep hearing 
about Python, Lua, Ruby, C++ and others, but in what environment(s) would I use 

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