- Getting digests is a RECEIVE function. You can receive email.

- Not being able to post is a SEND problem. Email outbound from your personal domain is evidently being blocked.

- What's particularly unnerving in this case is that you don't see a bounce message. (Sometimes I don't. Sometimes I do.) That would be the "no errors" thing.

Moving your mailboxes to your domain provider might help because your domain provider *does* have the chops to force other parties to play along. As a security professional, I will tell you that's the WRONG way to do it. Receivers should NOT trust a party because of their size or because of their connections ... any more than because of how many lawyers they have on the payroll. The sending IP address being on the SPF record is clear. Even without DNSSEC, faking the SPF record is complex enough that the bad guys would have difficulty fudging SPF at the scale they need. The message to be signed using DKIM is *strong* cryptographic assurance that the message is authentic. Fudged DKIM signature is more of a DOS problem than a spam allowance.

Does this make sense?

-- R; <><

On 4/5/24 15:36, Phil Smith III wrote:

Yeah, I have SPF records. I may move my mailboxes to my domain provider, who 
might should be able to do better.

But explain:
- getting Digests
- not able to post
- no errors?!

-----Original Message-----
From: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> On Behalf Of 
Rick Troth
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2024 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: Posting issues?

Let's see if this gets through.
I THINK my posts are making it (seems like one did earlier this week), and this 
being a GMail identity, that would make sense.

Phil, you're trying to use a custom address. That is to say, you're using a 
personal domain.
I observe that such are increasingly challenged. I don't have a solution, but 
I'm chasing a couple of remedies. Maybe we can connect.
Maybe we can achieve critical mass?

It's all about trust.
The major email providers don't "trust" akphs.com.
I find that one of my personal domains cannot send to my wife's mailbox at 
Yahoo!. This is a real problem for us and gonna get worse.
All email which is outsourced to Googoo gets through. (sometimes to the spam 
folder)  But Yahoo! slams the door *hard* and won't accept email sent from a 
residential IP address.
Googoo is reasonable about *accepting* traffic too. (again, sometimes to
quarantine) I have not tried (e.g.) AOL or Hotmail. I did try a former 
employer's email service and got rejected.

Two things I have in place which supposedly would help: SPF record and DKIM 
key. These are both in the DNS.
The home IP address being in the SPF record should be enough for Yahoo!
to accept it. Doesn't work.
The DKIM key and the signature on the traffic should confirm that any given 
message is authentic. Doesn't help.
Then too, some are starting to use "DNS SEC". (And some are not, even many 
luminaries. DNSSEC is a pain in all cases and impractical for most.) But I don't know if 
Yahoo! is flagging things based on DNSSEC or lack of.

Anyone else having troubles, let's circle-up off-list and see what we can 
figure out.

-- R; <><

On 4/5/24 14:34, Phil Smith III wrote:
Starting about a week ago, I noticed that posts sent from my lists@akphs address weren't 
showing up in the archives. Email to mailto:lists...@listserv.ua.edu with QUERY IBM-MAIN 
got no response; same from my work address got the expected "not subscribed" 
message. Yet my daily digest to that address has continued.

I tried repeatedly, and finally asked Darren, who kindly looked but didn't see 
anything amiss.

Today when I tried to respond to Radislav's question about FTP, same thing: no 
post. So I subscribed this address as well. That worked, and I've been able to 
post (obviously). But I also noticed a couple of folks asking where the list 
had gone lately, which could just be chance (and isn't quite what I'm seeing, 
either, obviously). I looked at the archives and traffic seems to maybe be down 
over the last 8 days or so, though it wasn't so active before that I can be 
sure (see bottom of this note).

I suddenly realized that if others were having similar issues, that might not 
be obvious beyond the reduced traffic--it's not like they'll be able to post to 
ask, eh?

So: If you're having troubles similar to mine, send a note to 
ibm-m...@akphs.com and let me know. I'm asking you to use that address because 
it will make it easier for me to filter/collate responses.


Traffic since March 1 in posts/day:
Fri 1  Mar: 32
Sat 2  Mar: 9
Sun 3  Mar: 7
Mon 4  Mar: 42
Tue 5  Mar: 16
Wed 6  Mar: 25
Thu 7  Mar: 35
Fri 8  Mar: 14
Sat 9  Mar: 7
Sun 10 Mar: 3
Mon 11 Mar: 2
Tue 12 Mar: 11
Wed 13 Mar: 18
Thu 14 Mar: 46
Fri 15 Mar: 31
Sat 16 Mar: 20
Sun 17 Mar: 30
Mon 18 Mar: 17
Tue 19 Mar: 26
Wed 20 Mar: 34
Thu 21 Mar: 6
Fri 22 Mar: 10
Sat 23 Mar: 6
Sun 24 Mar: 12
Mon 25 Mar: 11
Tue 26 Mar: 28
Wed 27 Mar: 7
Thu 28 Mar: 36
Fri 29 Mar: 4
Sat 30 Mar: 3
Sun 31 Mar: 7
Mon 1  Apr: 6
Tue 2  Apr: 6
Wed 3  Apr: 17
Thu 4  Apr: 7
Fri 5  Apr: 6

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