Greetings ,

  We are currently using syncsort 1.3.2 and would like to upgrade it to new 
version 1.4 . In the new release v1.4 , it no longer supports tape sorting . 
Hence it becomes necessary that i have to identify all the jobs which are 
currently using this feature and have them converted before going further . I 
need suggestions from people who has done this upgrade successfully in a 
production environment .I called up the support guys , and they told me to 
identify the jobs using tape sort in the currently installed release . I did 
some research on this and found 3 conditions to be satisfied in order to user 
tape sort feature 

a) SORTLIB DD statement in their JCL 

b) SYNCTAPE library in the linklist - (Which i already found to be there )

c) SORTWRK DD statements will have UNIT=TAPE  

Since we have thousands of jobs running in our environment , it is difficult to 
check the JCL of every job manually . Is there a different way to get this done 

Any sort of help is much appreciated 

Thanks in Advance,

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