I'm also confused by your question. What makes you ask this question? What did 
you read or hear about that made you ask this question? Are you talking about 
the "subsystem interface" or is SSI in reference to something else?

Any time a program moves information to storage, it is overlaying storage. It's 
only a bad thing when it overlays the wrong storage. We use the term "storage 
overlay" to mean overlaying the wrong storage. Assembler macro IEFSSI and MVS 
command SETSSI add/update the SSCT which overlays information in an SSCT or the 
SSCT chain. If your program overlays the wrong storage, then it can cause 

Great care must be taken in programs that run from the SSI. The SSI runs all 
the time and in all address spaces. If something bad happens, you could be 
IPL'ing your system. 

Jon Perryman.. 

> From: mf db <dbajava...@gmail.com>

>Yes, My question can it cause any abend by overlaying storage ?
>On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Lizette Koehler 
>> Are you asking can it cause an abend by overlaying storage?
>> -----Original Message-----
>>From: mf db <dbajava...@gmail.com>
>> I am trying to understand if Dynamic SSI update can overlay the storage.
>> Could someone please shed some light on dynamic SSI update.

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