I just started using PDSEs , found out if I use C with longnames, you have to ..

Scott J Ford
Software Engineer

 From: R.S. <r.skoru...@bremultibank.com.pl>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: Allocation test

W dniu 2013-09-19 10:33, nitz-...@gmx.net pisze:
> //       SPACE=(TRK,(1,0,0)),RECFM=F,LRECL=20,DSORG=PO

My output:

Organization  . . . : PO
Record format . . . : F
Record length . . . : 20
Block size  . . . . : 20
1st extent tracks . : 10000
Secondary tracks  . : 0
Data set name type  : PDS

Current Allocation
  Allocated tracks  . : 10,000
  Allocated extents . : 1
  Maximum dir. blocks : 0             *

Current Utilization
  Used tracks . . . . : 0
  Used extents  . . . : 0
  Used dir. blocks  . : 0             *
  Number of members . : 0             *

* Information is unavailable.

What's interesting is ISPF/PDF behavior. For allocations Pri>=10000 it always 
display the information as above. For smaller allocations it ends with "I/O 
error" - "An I/O error occurred while reading the PDS directory."

Interesting case:

9000,0 gives I/O error (but more than 1 extent is used)
9000,10 gives no error
9000,0 + CONTIG gives no error
8000,0 + CONTIG gives no error
7000,0 + CONTIG gives no error
6500,0 + CONTIG gives no error
6400,0 + CONTIG gives no error
6050,0 + CONTIG gives no error
6025,0 + CONTIG gives no error
6024,0 + CONTIG gives no error
6023,0 + CONTIG gives no error

stop here
6022,0 + CONTIG gives I/O error
6021 and less gives same error as well.

What's magic in 6022/6023 TRK ? I don't know.

Side note: Usually I'm trying to use PDSes with non-zero directory, as 
they are more usable. ;-)))

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland

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