Adjacent 01 levels have been used to allocate storage larger than the maximum
allowed by COBOL.

On Sat, 21 Sep 2013 20:18:53 -0300 Clark Morris <>

:>On 20 Sep 2013 08:12:42 -0700, in John Gilmore
:>>The idea of eliminating unreferenced variables in COBOL record
:>>declarations is of course absurd, and fulminations against it are at
:>>best otiose.  It is always possible to construct quietist arguments
:>>against change, any and all change; but this straw man is too
:>>obviously so to very useful to careerist obstructionists.
:>Basically all COBOL can do is eliminate unreferenced 77 levels which
:>are independent (not in a structure and logically equivalent to 01
:>levels or records) and unused 01 (records) levels in Working-Storage.
:>This may also apply to LOCAL-STORAGE.  While fields within a record
:>may be unused, eliminating them changes the structure and can cause
:>problems.  In one sense are we straining at gnats in an era when
:>people send megabyte size pictures to each other over the Internet and
:>product files may contain 1 or more pictures of each product?  I agree
:>with people that crud should be eliminated but changing record
:>structures which may be used in multiple programs can have interesting
:>Clark Morris
:>>We are left with working-storage and local-storage declarations for
:>>variables that then go unused.  In many cases they were once used, but
:>>maintenance changes have made them redundant.  In any case they may be
:>>eliminated safely, and they should be when an occasion to do so
:>>arises.  They are individually ugly; and they add to source-program
:>>clutter, which is substantial in old COBOL programs.
:>>Whether a major undertaking, a formal project or the like, for their
:>>elimination is jusitified is another, very different question.  I
:>>think not.  All optimizing compilers eliminate dead code, sequences of
:>>instructions that can never be executed, and dead variables, which are
:>>never referenced.
:>>Some compilers and backends are better at these operations than
:>>others.  The current IBM C/C++ and PL/I backend, for example, detects
:>>almost all aliasing schemes and even reflects these 'obscured'
:>>references in its XREF output.  The current COBOL compiler does a
:>>modest but adequate job of this when full optimization is used.  There
:>>is therefore almost no resource-savings argument to be made for a
:>>campaign to eliminate unreferenced variables; and further
:>>bureaucratization of this particular programming milieu is highly
:>>John Gilmore, Ashland, MA 01721 - USA
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Binyamin Dissen <>

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